JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Fourth egg pipping!!
third one for Group 3 and the first reddish brown one laid by a GLW!


Edited to add picture... silly me!
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Oh, they are like 3 days old so they should hatch. I also set some Buff Orpington x OEGB eggs in as an experiment. Tater Tot chickens...
Well I got some more quail eggs and thought why not so now I am up to 44 quail and 6 chicken eggs. The quail are due on the 28th and the chickens are due February 1st.
My 7 are developing nicely. Just bought a new, stronger torch so I can have a better look in there

Worried about the humidity though, outside air is 93% so I'm really hoping it dries out a bit. I don't think even ducks like THAT much humidity and I sure don't!

Still I shouldn't complain about the rain here, so much worse up north.

EDIT: Congrats Livinwright Farm!!!
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