JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Okay, this group will be behind the ball as far as the Jan. 28th hatching goes... more like February 3rd... but I am hoping and praying that all goes well.
The only remotely broody hen out of 12! she is an EE and has been growling, hissing, and biting at any of the other hens if they come within 1 ft. of her nest box! She has 12 eggs of mixed breeding under her. I marked them with the brooding start date, and I am only going to allow her to set on 12 at a time. Any extras will be pulled from the nest and set aside for putting into the incubator once the current incy clutch is done hatching

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Cute EE hen!

I have a BF that needs her....

this might sound completely dumb, even to me once I see your answer, but what is a BF again... other than teenage slang for boyfriend?
I candles tonight and found more veining but one with a line that might be a blood ring? But... I did find another little embryo!! Can't see in my marans yet .... DArn dArk eggs.
Almost 1/3 of the way there friends!! Woohoo!!

Edited to remove the mysterious extra text somehow cut from someone elses post about sick brids. That was nOT me. Sorry
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Okay, so I guess this is a bit off topic and doesn't really count as a hatch.... But one of my doe goats surprised me with twins tonight. They are now nestled in a dog airline kennel in a corner of my living room until I can get them set up in a warm corner of the critter cabin. They've both had about 4 ounces of colostrum each and a couple more ounces of milk. My 6 month old Doxie thinks he should be taking care of them and was giving them baths before I put them in the kennel. He's now laying in front of their door watching them.

Oh, and I put 13 RIR bantie eggs in the 'bator tonight.
Totally off topic but I love it! I have my first dairy doe set to birth around April 10th and I can't wait!!! Congrats!

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