JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

I have 6 that look good (I think- hard to tell when everything looks black) from 18 at the start. I have 3 that have a blood ring but out of those I have at least one that moved so I am keeping it in there just in case.

The wait is now killing me as lock down starts on Sunday for me!!!!
lockdown starts Sunday for me too!! But my chicks seem a little small...large eggs so it may be normal...don't wanna up the humidity too early if they will be late...what to do what to do...good luck btw!!
My chart says lockdown is on Monday for me and mine should be hatching on 27th. Just had a temp spike to 104f so not impressed.

Have to collect my hatcher tomorrow and set it up ready so it's ready. Really excited about my first ever hatch and desperately hoping the spike hasn't killed them.
Don't fret, rarebreedfancier. A temp spike of that level for a short while shouldn't be a problem. I had my bator get down to 70* for HOURS on day 16 my last hatch and all still made it to lockdown. This:
is for you!

BigDaddy'sGurl :

for you and me! Here's another question: if they don't take up quite 3/4 of the bator, how should I do the spacing? Put the cartons in a corner or row touching each other, or with space between?

BTW, just tried the float test (I know I'm early it's day 16) and didn't have any to throw out! I officially have the following: 19 brown leghorns, 12 barred rocks, 14 rhode island reds, 2 quail, and one silkie mix mutt that my hen was so proud of I had to incubate it...that and mommie is just so darn cute.

A bit of concern though: I have added no water to my bator at all so far as the dry hatch method has worked wonders for me to this point. When candling the few i wasn't sure about earlier, I found that most have less air cell than I remember from last time. I added no water at all, so I am a little concerned as there would be no way I could lower humidity if I haven't added any...All babies seemed to be moving well though...I think maybe my temps have been off and on the low side the whole time because babies don't seem as big as I expected but there is very definitely movement and happy little ones so maybe I am worrying too much. thanks for the help, robo!

Okay, whew! Just looked at the egg candling pics page and my air cells seem right on track for day 16. Most of my babies do too but a few seem to be slightly smaller so I think my bator has some cool spots...time to start rotating...

Keep enough room in between the cartons so the chicks can walk a little bit down there, they only need enough room to stand and make a little circle.​
Ok.. Tell me I'm absolutely INSANE!! Please tell me it is not possible for an egg to rock on day 15!!?!?! I was checking the temp/humidity since I had to add more when i got up this morning and one of my EE eggs, that I have not been able to see into at all this whole time looked as if it was making subtle movements... I think I've finally completely and totally lost it!!!!

LOL Goddess! I guess it is possible...or maybe wishful thinking? LOL

Don't feel bad: last night was day 16 for me and I actually held a couple to my ear to see if they would cheep, lol.

And rarebreedfancier:
to you too!

Good luck everyone!!! We should definitely slow the server down when we all start posting pics of our new fuzzy butts!!

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