JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Are you absolutely sure the EE egg had not been incubated for some time under your hen? Like potentially she had it hidden for a while in the nest? I had a hen go all secret layer on me once.
She waited for the barn cat to come out of it's crate in the morning, waited for me to "not be looking", walked into the crate, pulled back the cat's blanket, and proceeded to lay her egg at the back of the crate. When she was done and recouperated, she moved the blanket over the egg and came out of the crate. I was curious about her actions and decided to go snooping. I peeled back the blanket and discovered 9 eggs below the blanket. Apparently she and the cat had an arrangement behind my back. the cat kept the eggs incubated over night and she had a nice warm spot to lay in the morning.
BigDaddy'sGurl :

LOL Goddess! I guess it is possible...or maybe wishful thinking? LOL

Don't feel bad: last night was day 16 for me and I actually held a couple to my ear to see if they would cheep, lol.

ROFLMAO!!! Ok!! I thought I was bad but I think you have me beat!!!


Livinwright farm: your poor kitty was probably hiding those eggs in the hopes that when it reached a certain number, it would have the omelet of it's life and you ruined it!! LOL your story made my day!

Goddess: I'm pretty desperate, huh? Haven't incubated since early December so withdrawals are hitting HARD!
BigDaddy'sGurl :

Livinwright farm: your poor kitty was probably hiding those eggs in the hopes that when it reached a certain number, it would have the omelet of it's life and you ruined it!! LOL your story made my day!

No... thankfully Punkin has not realized that those small round things in the nests down stairs(or even occassionally in his loft area) are what I occassionally crack open into his food! For once I'm VERY thankful to have a kitty that is not so smart!​
Are you absolutely sure the EE egg had not been incubated for some time under your hen? Like potentially she had it hidden for a while in the nest? I had a hen go all secret layer on me once.
She waited for the barn cat to come out of it's crate in the morning, waited for me to "not be looking", walked into the crate, pulled back the cat's blanket, and proceeded to lay her egg at the back of the crate. When she was done and recouperated, she moved the blanket over the egg and came out of the crate. I was curious about her actions and decided to go snooping. I peeled back the blanket and discovered 9 eggs below the blanket. Apparently she and the cat had an arrangement behind my back. the cat kept the eggs incubated over night and she had a nice warm spot to lay in the morning.

Fortunately that I one thing I really haven't had to worry about.. The EE's are in with another New hampshire pullet and a Delaware roo in a tiny little playhouse coop.. There is only one nest box for the three girls made out of an old plastic milk crate that i have attached to the window ledge.. None of them have been broody yet.. They are only 9 months old... The only ones that could have possibly been incubated are the eggs that i found (clutch of 6) under a small wire shelf that i kept the hay on wrapped in a tarp to keep them out of it.. Somehow the girls were getting under the dang thing and hiding the eggs.. But, I'm not sure how long they were there and they all got marked with a "C" so I knew they were coop eggs.. I had to cull all but one or two of them because they never started to develop.. I think they were there for a few weeks.. I have 13 girls and none of them have been broody either.. Some are almost 2 yrs old, some are 15 months old and the rest are 9 months old... I don't expect any of them to ever go broody since the oldest are RIR x speckled sussex that i got locally and the rest are BR and GC all hatchery stock...

The egg that I THOUGHT I saw moving was collected on 12/31 so it was definitely not incubated.. The room I keep them in is where the hot water heater is but there is a hole in the floor under it so it stays much cooler than the rest of the house but never freezing.. Maybe I'm just hopeful?? LOL

I'm excited... We have 4 eggs left ...

1 definite movement and growth
2 saw movement but growing slower than the smaller one
1 not sure...

We're at day 14

So exciting!!!
Getting very exciting here!! I can see enough in the marans eggs to tell they have something very dark in the middle, an air sack, and some clear at the pointy end!!! Please tell me that is a chick!!! one is clear. I'll toss it at lockdown

Now. For clarification. I put them in early am on Saturday so I lockdown at early am this Wednesday right?
I just unplug the turner on Tuesday, when they actually go into lockdown I take the racks off of the turner, and then let them hatch in them.

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