JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

I know this is going to be a later hatching that Jan 28th, but thought I would present the update of my latest 36 egg incubator clutch.

4pm marked incubation Day 4.66, and candling revealed:
The 12 EE/ ?(BG or BLRW roo) eggs that were in my basement for 2 weeks... ALL are fertile and viable!

The 24 - fresh collection - mixed breeds(hens were BG, BA, BLRW, SLW, GLW, & EE, roo was BLRW).... 22 had VERY visible veining
, 1 is an unknown due to shell pores
, and 1 had a bacterial ring
. Good to know that Sour(BLRW roo) is doing a great job of fertilizing the eggs! Given that Sour was the submissive roo, we weren't sure that any would be fertilized.
Congrats to Sour!!! Proud of him.

I have a question that needs an answer beefore tomorrow....My lockdown for the hatch for the 29th starts on Tuesday morning. I have 8 eggs that are not due until the 3rd. I can take out my bottom turner and put all the eggs due for the 28th on the bottom since they will no longer need turning and leave the 8 eggs on the top with the turner on? Will this work to keep turning the eggs since they appear to have babies in them? Or, do I need to switch them to the other incubator that has a thermostat problem and is unrealiable?
Day 18 and 12-18 going in to lockdown!!!!! Hope they all hatch , everything is looking great! Wish me luck, and good luck to all of ya'll! I'll keep ya'll posted on how things go.

I'm now on day 16. Think I have 3 viable out of the remaining 4. The classes have been very excited to see our hatch. I'm so anxious for them to see a peep hatching or at least to get 1 of these babies to show.

Hoping that we have peeps in a week!!!

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