JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

ACK!!!! I'm not going to be able to sleep until these chicks hatch!!! When i go to bed, the humidity is close to 60 but when I wake up, it's down to 40!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN I KEEP THE HUMIDITY UP AT NIGHT!?!?!?! I don't have the money for a humidifier and my house is so dang dry!!!! If I fill BOTH troughs, I'm afraid the humidity is going to go too high!! HELP!!!!!!

Have a maxi pad? Fill it with water and set it in. That's the only thing I can think of. Your house and the incubator both are using the humidity. Same issue here. Deb said that my humidity was ok around 75%. I have both troughs filled in my hovabator.
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I have paper towels folded up in the troughs to hold the humidity better... If I only had one batch in there, I would up the humidity a bit more but I'm doing a staggered hatch so I am trying to keep it below 60... Although I read that under a hen, the humidity stays around 65 the entire time of incubation... I don't want to open the bator at this point in time and risk shrink wrapping any of them....

I woke up to 70% hum and 60F!!!!

We've had 40-50% hum and 100F steady for the past 17 days...Today is day 18 and now this!!!!

I think my heating element quit working...I pulled my heat lamp out and have the temp back up to 95F so far...please tell me there is still hope?!!!
today is day 19 for my 5 serama eggs , hatch day ! but so far nothing no pips no rocking nothing
they are probably going to make me wait till the rest of the eggs( bantam cochin and silkie) are suppose to hatch in 2 more days

on a side note i ordered some silky duck eggs from feather acres, anyone know how to hatch them?
Last night I was putting my eggs into lockdown and one of the bantam eggs already had a pip! OMG -

This morning I had a Half-way fuzzy Easter Egger Bantam chick sleeping in the 'bator!!

I can't believe s/he is 2 days early! My 'temp has been 99=100 all the time!

I think what must have happened was a broody sat on the egg before I got it..so it was probably already a few days into incubation? I seem to remember the BYC'er pulling some eggs from under a broody hen so?
Well temp is leveled out at 100F....humidity at 50% level....

I'm hoping that this has saved at least one of the chicks. We are going into lockdown tonite just as if we had never had a problem. Hoping and anxious that we'll see pips and zips and fuzzy butts soon....

Cross your fingers!!!

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