JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

All out!!! Of 7 fertile on day 3 all 7 have hatched and look healthy

Since it's after 10pm I pulled the second plug out and I'll leave them in the 'bator over night. I don't want to risk chilling them moving them to the brooder overnight.
Now I can go to bed happy knowing they are all out and my 'bator works perfectly and I have 7 fuzzy butts as proof!
My 12 Blue Splash Marans were due today, but seem to be as late arriving as the snow storm barreling through New England right now!

One pipped last night and took 18 hours to zip and hatch. Another one hatch an hour ago after a long pip and release.

The 2 are bouncing around telling the others to wake up

3 more pips, it's going to be a long night.
I WANT PIPS!!!! Ugh!! This is the worst part... I woke up this morning and looked... Nadda... Nothing... Zi... er... No Zip!!!

On a good note, instead of putting water in both troughs, I was very careful to try to fill the first trough completely.. It worked well and my humidity stayed up.. It wasn't perfect but it only went down 3%... I can live with that! Hopefully the chickies can too...


I'm so excited!!! We are in lockdown and seeing all the cutie pies that you guys are hatching is making me want mine to hatch more!!!

ALSO, I've had a hard first hatch here and Lisann @MuranoFarms has been so SWEET that she's giving me to little chickies tomorrow so my one lonely chickie won't be alone (hoping that my one does hatch)

I love this website... connecting w/more chicken people!!! You guys are Great and MuranoFarms my family

Make that TWO pips!!!! The only egg I was really concerned about (accidentally broke it and put wax on it but didn't get the hairline crack covered) has pipped and luckily it's on the opposite side of the egg, away from the wax!! It looks like it will zip just under where the wax is so now I don't have to worry about it!!!

when I candle my eggs, the development seems to be on one side of the egg. is the developing embryo supposed to be floating around? do I have 'chicks stuck to the shell'? Or is it normal? thanks everyone. Also, I see a dark blob moving around, is that the heart beating?
They are on day 9 by the way.
Well you guys are just making me jealous. I am staring at 60 quail eggs doing nothing. I played with the temp for a while and finally got it right. I have been messing with it ever since lockdown. Here is what it looks like right now.... Please note the temperature was different because I just added water.

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