JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?


Hello! My appologies, I somehow missed your post.

The embryo typically is on the side that is facing up, when you turn it it causes the embryo to slowly move to the other side, thus exersizing the embryo. It is not stuck to the shell, so you can breathe a sigh of relief, it is completely normal.
the dark blob that you see moving is the developing chick. and the darker dot or dots that you can see with in the over-all dark blob are the eyes and beak that are forming.
sounds like everything is developing just as it should be.
Oh this is so EGG-citing to hear about all the pips, zips and pops!!!!!! The first pip I found has started to zip but definitely taking it's sweet time... The second pip i found, I am worried the poor thing pipped right through the yolk because it looks yellowish but there's no oozing or anything but I don't see it moving either.. It's hard to see (Picture a grown woman, standing on tip toe and looking almost upside down into the bator to see the BACK SIDE of the egg!!) so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed... There are two more pips.. One is one of my AM x Dark Brahma bantams eggs and the other is one of my brown eggs.. The one in the brown egg is so tiny, I almost missed it.. Not even sure if that little tiny hole was even worth the effort.. the poor thing should have just waited to gain a little bit more energy and make a GOOD crack!
.... I will be going to the feed store tonight to get some pine shavings and I made two feeders... One from a hot chocolate box and one from a pillsbury cookie box... LOL Will keep everyone updated and post pics as soon as they are ready for their closeup!!!

I made two feeders... One from a hot chocolate box and one from a pillsbury cookie box... LOL Will keep everyone updated and post pics as soon as they are ready for their closeup!!!

Tell us how you made feeders!!!
I always use a shallow dish for the new chicks... gets SO dirty!

I'm so excited to see all the others with pips, up to Peeps! I have another day!
my humidity dropped 10% so this am I sneaked the clear panel off just a tad to add water to the channels and sponge... ugh, in the desert it is hard to keep humidity up! I want to be sure it's fully up there prior to the Pipping!!!
will post pics after hubby gets back from business trip (he has the camera). but out of 15 eggs that made it to lockdown 13 have totally hatched!!! i still have 2 that are working on it. out of the 2 left, one is still in the bottom half of his shell but has been sleeping SO much! his head is out though. so i decided to take out the 13 chicks that were running around and stepping on his head. and as i took them all out, i placed a damp rag over the "shell-bottomed-chick"....kinda like a blanket....so he would stay moist down there. then, the other egg....i hadn't even seen a pip...so i picked it up to see if i could hear him peep, but i didn't even have to check my ears....i could feel the little guy movin' around in there! so the egg with no pip and the half hatched chick are in the bator. the other 13 are now in the brooder with my 2 BCM chicks who are now 3 weeks old. the older ones look at the new ones like they're aliens!
and it looks like i've got 4 or 5 blue chicks, the rest are black...and they all have pea combs except for one. so, out of 17 eggs shipped to me, it looks like 15 will make it!!! (still not 100% on the 2 in the bator) but still, what a great hatch!!! yea fuzzy butts!!! now, just to wait and see what shade of OE they lay!!!! FUN!!
Well, I finally figured out the little one that I *think* pipped through the yolk is alive.. I haven't seen the egg itself move but I did see a piece of shell move... Has anyone ever had one that pipped through the yolk survive?!?! Here is what I am looking at... Do you see the yellow onside the shell?????


And, here are the pics of the "feeders".. I will just fill them with crumbles and they won't be able to stand in them and dump them all over...


chicken eggs incubate for 21 days if you are on day 14 you still have another week to go. on days 1 - 18 the eggs need to be turned then on the days 19-21 you increase the humidity and stop turning chick will usually hatch on day 21 but can take longer have read up to as long as 27 days. hope this helps you out some. there is how to on the learning center at the top of the page you can click on that would probably give you more info or you could google how to incubate chicken eggs. good luck

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