JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Congrats!! So exciting huh???
On a totally other note, I live in CA now but grew up in MO and my big bro went to MMA for 2-3 years! I know where Mexico is!! Drove home thru pea soup fog once with my mom from a dance! Lots of memories from there!! Lol. It IS a small world!!

Wow. Thats neet. I grew up just a block from the MMA. Then moved to Ohio when i was in highschool. Then eventualy moved back and bought a place just outside of town. Small world indeed.
My LG failed me. Out of 47 eggs that made it to lockdown, I got 28 chicks and a whole bunch of fully formed, dead in shells. : (

My husband has promised to buy me a cabinet style incubator very soon...

And I had to cull a chick that was born with major deformities...

The 28 is what was actually viable and healthy hatched chicks. I am happy with the chicks I have but keep thinking about the ones that didn't make it...

On another note, I went to an auction last night and brought home 2 dozen blue eggs! I am sure they are EEs, but there is a chance they are true ameraucanas! (sp?)

I only paid 1.25 per dozen, so I couldn't pass it up!
CONGRATS to all the new chick mommys and daddys!!! I just
to see the cute pics! Keep 'em coming!!!!

Well, I have no idea if any more hatches last night because I just can't count them.. LOL... My husband told me last nigh that the big bathroom will get steamy enough to fog he mirror so it should work fine... I have one chick that is currently zipping and once it's out, I will go ahead and take the bator into the bathroom, wait for it to get steamed up and then get all the chicks out... I did notice that the humidity dropped down to 60% overnight.. Not too awful but enough that the chick zipping now may have started to get stuck... I used the tubing to get some more water in there and put just a tiny drop on the membrane of the zipping chick.. It didn't seem too bad so I'll give it a little bit... I'll post an update once i get those chicks out of there and into he brooder box...

I have 11 eggs in the bator. 2 are out, 5 are hatching, and 4 I don't know yet. Will give them until tomorrow and see what is going on. Contratulations to us for our new fuzzie butts.
I love all of these cute photos!!!

I have 4 under mama due out today. I can hear peeping and lots of various noises. I'm DYING to peek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats to all the chickies!!! We're still waiting no pips...no nothing....Today is day 21.

I'm getting ANXIOUS!!!
I finally have an update! Out of 39 eggs set, I have 24 healthy chicks.. 3 chicks were DIS.. One of those pipped through the yolk, one pipped through a vein and the third one was the one I had zipping this morning.. Not sure what happened to it because it wasn't shrink wrapped or anything and it was a fully formed chick.. guess it just wasn't strong enough or it had something wrong internally... I still have 12 eggs that I left in he bator and will give them until the others hatch unless they hatch before that...

I have figured out that my production reds are NOT good to use for hatching eggs... When they were younger, hey had a vitamin A deficiency and I think that could have lowered the hatchability of the eggs.. I thought it was because I was using a homemade bator but with this hach, I only got TWO to hatch... After the next set of eggs, I will have to put food coloring on their vents for he next one and figure out which one or ones I CAN use for hatching... It will be very time consuming but for whoever is giving me duds, it will be worth not setting those eggs for a better hatch rate...

I figure, I will give the 12 that didn't hatch an extra few days because I set more eggs for two more days after the original ones to fill the bator so they are still only on day 20 and 21... They still have a chance....


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