JANUARY 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Yay! Always good to hear about good eggs.

At present the TJ chick head count is 23 hatched, 3 pips and 3 noncommittals....and all the spent eggshells combined with incubator humidity is starting to kind of smell.
Haus...that's great news!!! You are going to be very busy soon.
yes, im learning so much.........(like how much the fluffing up makes such a dusty wispy mess all over while the down dries) we will be busy! I've got more due this weekend, and some the next :)
We are hatching for our 4h youth poultry auction, loving it
Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting. Been REALLY busy. 17 out of 29 with one more pipped so far, here's a couple pictures, then off to find something else to do so I'm not sitting in front of the incubator all day.
Hey Colonel, nice looking chicks. You got some heat in the box with them?
Man, maglight and a spray can lid?--Awesome idea! And also have got to try my cell. Even if I have something else, always good to know I have a backup in an emergency. Thanks for all the ideas....

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