January 2017 Hatch-a-long

The end tally on my hatch of Jan 1 & 2 is a total of 18, 9 bantam and 9 EE/Maran Clive egger. I set 25 eggs and ended up with almost a 70% hatch rate, I think it isn't bad for a second hatch, my first hatch was barely 50%! The EE crosses were shipped eggs. I am really happy with the hatch and the chicks just are sooo cute. I hope all January hatches are great, good luck and happy hatching to all. I'll post some pics soon!.
Here is my first chickie!
​I would give the hen more time. I've noticed that sometimes my more experienced hens seem to teach the younger hens how to incubate. I usually keep the non broody hens around anyway for their eggs. I have also noticed some of my hens successfully sharing duties on the nest.

So far, none of mine will share. Others will jump in to lay eggs while the momma if off, and as soon as they leave, the momma is right back on. There has been a few fights over the nests when a broody is impatient to be back and the egg layer is taking her time, or once when another hen decided to take over the clutch. Maybe this one will do better with more time.

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