January 2017 Hatch-a-long

A little yellow baby has arrived!
Finally just when i was ready to pull them out and start over on day 23 i have 3 chicks that have hatched, all Easter Eggers, two of my Lavender Orphingtons have pipped but the humidity is now down to 54 so i dont know if any more will hatch. My Genesis incubator was fluctulating from 99 to 99.3 thus the reason for the late hatch, hard to stay at 99.5 in the winter, really wanted the Lavenders will try again when the weather warms.
Humidity didn't go up when the others hatched? Mine just when up to 80... I think they might be ok...
Finally just when i was ready to pull them out and start over on day 23 i have 3 chicks that have hatched, all Easter Eggers, two of my Lavender Orphingtons have pipped but the humidity is now down to 54  so i dont know if any more will hatch. My Genesis incubator was fluctulating from 99 to 99.3 thus the reason for the late hatch, hard to stay at 99.5 in the winter, really wanted the Lavenders will try again when the weather warms.
My eggs are still chugging along! Since they are bantam eggs I am stopping them in 5 or so days! The day 7 candle showed development at about day 10 when compared to regular chicken eggs.

Here are some pictures of the parent birds. They are all from a hatchery but they are super cute!

How much abuse can an egg take? My 4 yr old broke into the bator today while I was in the shower and decided to "help" our chicks hatch. He totally cracked one open obviously that one is toast. Two though have their membranes intact. One is missing 50% of the shell the other less than 10% only 2 small holes.
I am not sure how he got the shell off but it was likely tramatic, he said he dropped them so... there's that. They were set to hatch in 2 days
How much abuse can an egg take? My 4 yr old broke into the bator today while I was in the shower and decided to "help" our chicks hatch. He totally cracked one open obviously that one is toast. Two though have their membranes intact. One is missing 50% of the shell the other less than 10% only 2 small holes.
I am not sure how he got the shell off but it was likely tramatic, he said he dropped them so... there's that. They were set to hatch in 2 days

Oh no! I am so sorry! It's all one gigantic (sometimes painful) learning experience. I used athletic tape once on an egg that I dropped candling. I made sure not to tape where the pip and zip would be occurring - around the air sack - and she hatched out just fine. So don't give up even if it looks bad.
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My January babies. 6 BCM, 5 BCM/BR x, and 1 lone Biele.
Had a bit of a traumatic morning Friday - woke to what looked like a dead baby inside a zipped shell. I was pretty sure it had shrink wrapped because during the night my incubator humidity had dropped to the 40s. But, on the off chance there was some life still, I heated up a warm wet paper towel and took the egg out to gradually chip and wash away its shell. After I unstuck a couple pieces, I heard a tiny peep!! I quickly took it over to the brooder lamp to keep it warm while I finished gently ungluing it. Whew, it was really stuck in there!! Finally, I got enough off that I thought she would be okay (I could, by then tell it was a female Biele). Even though she was still alive, I knew she had been through a lot, so I didn't hold out much hope for her. I put her back in the incubator and little by little she started to act like all little babies do! Here she is only about 8 hours after her ordeal.
How much abuse can an egg take? My 4 yr old broke into the bator today while I was in the shower and decided to "help" our chicks hatch. He totally cracked one open obviously that one is toast. Two though have their membranes intact. One is missing 50% of the shell the other less than 10% only 2 small holes.
I am not sure how he got the shell off but it was likely tramatic, he said he dropped them so... there's that. They were set to hatch in 2 days
Oh gawd! That sounds awful... Can you replace the shell with scotch tape and maybe wrap them in moist paper towel? So sorry... I know how frustrating kids can be when they're "helping" ugh

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