January Hatch-a-long 2018

Here is a question, for those who are hatching and those who have hatched... anything you would like to do different next time, or anything you would like to try?
If I was do anything different I think I would have sprung for a better auto turner. I got the one that came with the incubator but I wish I would have got them upright turner instead of the horizontal one.

And I wish I would have put eggs in a carton on lockdown. I did that with my first hatch and I think it helped the eggs since they weren't jostled so much.

I didn't want to try with this hatch since they weren't turned in the same orientation. Does anyone think that would matter?
Hey!! Is there anyone on this thread that has some really cool coloured eggs who would want to do a swap with some Blue Copper Marans eggs? Sorry my pics are really crappy - Marans Colour Missy lays around a 5, Monique lays closer to 7 - they look much darker than this in real life.
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Ohhh they're beautiful! I don't have any blue birds in my flock and I'd love to have a few! None of my hens are laying at the moment but when they do they should all be CCL crosses as all of my new babies are.

Right now I've got two Easter Eggers (crosses should lay mint green), a Barred Rock (crosses should lay darker green but not olive), a Buff Orpington (crosses should lay green or maybe grayish?), and a White Leghorn (crosses should lay blue) and would be Sapphires/super blue egg layer.

So I'd love to get some of your eggs regardless of if you'd like to swap for any of mine haha!
Ohhh they're beautiful! I don't have any blue birds in my flock and I'd love to have a few! None of my hens are laying at the moment but when they do they should all be CCL crosses as all of my new babies are.

Right now I've got two Easter Eggers (crosses should lay mint green), a Barred Rock (crosses should lay darker green but not olive), a Buff Orpington (crosses should lay green or maybe grayish?), and a White Leghorn (crosses should lay blue) and would be Sapphires/super blue egg layer.

So I'd love to get some of your eggs regardless of if you'd like to swap for any of mine haha!
PM me and I'll hook you up:highfive:

My poor sole survivor. He has some friends coming tomorrow thankfully.

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