Japanese Bantam Thread!

Here's Shoji. He's so cute.
The next photo please look at the black cockerel "Negi". He was sold as a black but he's getting gray feathers. Is he mottled or a poorly colored gray? Though so far few grays on hackles.

I have fallen in love with the Japanese and Serama breeds! As I have said I don't show but I want to help keep the breed true. So many people are selling mixed as pure breeds. So any help with how to improve what I have is greatly appreciated.

is the buff a cockerel?
All your little ones are just darling, love them

This beautiful white female is Lady Eboshi. You have to see that precious darling turn into a mini Dino when treats are around lolshe puts the cockerels in their place toot sweet! :lau
I have just one BTW roo, he is totally devoted to his flock of full-sized chickens and tries to tell them when he has food, even though he isn't out free ranging with them and they took off a bit of his comb(their was blood all over his neck!). I would just love to get him some bantam hens that can stay with him all the time, it would be lovelier if one, at least, was a Japanese(even though there are other breeds l want to try).
I have just one BTW roo, he is totally devoted to his flock of full-sized chickens and tries to tell them when he has food, even though he isn't out free ranging with them and they took off a bit of his comb(their was blood all over his neck!). I would just love to get him some bantam hens that can stay with him all the time, it would be lovelier if one, at least, was a Japanese(even though there are other breeds l want to try).

I wish I was closer, I would let you have one of my girls.

I know it's a bad photo but I think my precious Chihero ( girl ) is actually Sagie :(( male). Two longer & pointed tail feathers are growing in.
Even though he's /she is the same age he's a little bigger than half the others size. Weighed them right now males are 11-15 oz, females 10-13 oz... I have these two that are at 6.25 and 5 oz at almost eight weeks. They are free to eat their starter grower at will and I have 2 one gallon waters for 13 birds.... Pullet egg babies?. Thought they were both hens until the feathers started coming in.
No bullying yet but I worry about it.
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If these 3 birds stay small will they be able to breed? I would love some mini Japanese !
Shogi is tiny 9 oz ( m)
Sagie is 6.25 oz ( m)
Kakio is the smallest at 5 oz ( f)
They will be 8 weeks on the 7 th.
My largest are my other roosters
Kia my btb is 15 oz
Negi my naked Grey is 14.5
Haku is 13.25
My known hens
Kagume is 10 oz
Lady Eboshi is 13 oz
Mononoki is 11 oz
Mae is 11 oz
My unnamed btb females both weigh 12 oz
The 3 unnamed black / gray girls are 9 oz.

Does anyone know what they should weigh at 8 weeks?
Thanks in advance.

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