Japanese Bantam Thread!

That is an interesting project, l would love to see that colouration too.
I had some nearly right last year. But instead of the long neck feathers being the golden orange colour they were kind of deep red. But the rest of the bird was the right colour.. with the black breast and everything else correct.

Earlier this year I again got it nearly right. All the colours on the body were correct, except the chest was mottled with ginger and brown feathers about 50 / 50 with the black ones!!!!

I got some good birds now, only problem with these ones is their legs are too long.... and the long neck feathers are kind of too gold in colour, lacking the orange.

I will get some pics and post here and see what you think.

Also do you know the name for the colour pattern of the wild chicken? Thanks.
That is pretty good, l have had chickens for almost a year and a half now and can imagine the dedication it takes to breed for very specific traits. l just tried to look up what the color is, but couldn't find any thing, so maybe no one has really put a name to that color. l have no idea.
Anyone have any photos of what a Japanese Bantam with the colouration of a wild jungle fowl looks like? What would they call this colour?

So black chest, and red and gold hackles and saddle.. but with yellow legs. I like that colour and am trying to create it in my Japanese Bantams by crossing different colours together...

Wart-a serama that shows his Japanese bantam heritage. A poor picture-his colors are much more vibrant and the tail is lacking his normal look, but he is as your description asks for.

For someone who "doesn't like chickens", this seems like a whole lot of affection for one little BTW. Uh huh, keep telling yourself that hubby. They take Sunday naps together... maybe I can snap another one tomorrow.


Wart-a serama that shows his Japanese bantam heritage. A poor picture-his colors are much more vibrant and the tail is lacking his normal look, but he is as your description asks for.

Yes.. that is the colour I am aiming for. Just a bit more golden yellow in the neck feathers.
He is beautiful, if l was on my own then l would totally have tons of japanese bantams of all colors.
For someone who "doesn't like chickens", this seems like a whole lot of affection for one little BTW. Uh huh, keep telling yourself that hubby. They take Sunday naps together... maybe I can snap another one tomorrow.

That is cute! l don't take naps and would be too worried to sleep with one if l did. However, l do love to catch a chick, hold them upside down, and rub their belly gently. They calme down really fast and can't help but fall asleep!
He's become well versed in the art of sleeping with animals. Our cats often sleep on his chest, the man just doesn't move once out. Critters love him. He did the same thing with the kitten I got for ME! Now that chick is just butter in his hands.
Anyone here have extra pullets they'd like to sell and ship? I was out of town and my flock suffered quite the tragedy due to some forgetfulness on my husband's part... We lost our extra special BTW girl and are just heartbroken.

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