Japanese Coturnix German Pastel Discussion Thread


Loves Hatching
5 Years
May 28, 2015
South Louisiana
I Love these colors! They seem to have a pretty wide spread of shades. I have just a breeding pair of them at about 14 wks old. This evening i am going to take some good new pictures just waiting for the phone to get a little bit of charge. For now here is an old picture. I lovingly call them my "germ pats"


Have you got this color? Want to know where to find some? Noticed anything unusual about breeding it or any particularly interesting combinations with other colors? Have pictures to share? Join in!
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Oh thank you for this! I have one that was in a batch of mostly snowflakes and I've been trying to figure out what she is. Mine has no markings though, just a smooth all over peachy almost pinky tone. I've got eggs from her in the bator right now so I'm hoping for more.

One note, my girl is just an absolute snot, really rude. Does anyone have a nice one or is this just how these are?
Oh thank you for this! I have one that was in a batch of mostly snowflakes and I've been trying to figure out what she is. Mine has no markings though, just a smooth all over peachy almost pinky tone. I've got eggs from her in the bator right now so I'm hoping for more.

One note, my girl is just an absolute snot, really rude. Does anyone have a nice one or is this just how these are?

Mine are snots like that too. Very cool so glad to meet someone else who has one! The color your describing sounds alot like my germ pats. Do u have any pics you would share with us?

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