Java Thread

Tony Beardsmore's javas were featured in Practical Poultry June 2010. The article says he can be contacted at [email protected]. The secretary of the Rare Poultry Society is listed as being Anne Merriman and she can be contacted at Danby, The Causeway, Congresbury, Bristol BS49 5DJ (tel:01934833619)

In the US, I would contact Lyle Behl for Auburn Javas ([email protected] or 217-498-7522) and Tim Christakos at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry for white javas (773-947-3735). Ruth Caron's Java Breeders of America website and the Yahoo Java chicken group have lists of breeders of the other varieties, hopefully some near you. Lyle Behl has a very nice website discussing the auburns if you google auburn javas and Lyle Behl. ---Jim Ward
I think I need a new Black Java roo.

Last spring, I again picked up 6 chicks from the Garfield Farms Rare Breed Show. Wouldn't you guess, I got 5 cockerals and one pullet?! We had to make a selection at about 16wks, as the raging hormones were just too much to bear. And I'm afraid I picked poorly. Got the best SOP, but he's developed the worst personality. The hens don't trust him nor do they wish to be around him. He comes out of the coop first thing in the a.m. when I open the door - and the hens don't come out! (5 hens are 2yrs, 2 pullets are nearly 1yr)

So, I don't wish to pass along this personality - which means a new cockeral. Or a few of them to try to find a good one. Anyone near northern Illinois have a good guy they don't wish to send to Camp Frigidaire? Thought I'd try here first before calling Bill at Garfield.....
My flock is maturing nicely. I have 2 roosters and 4 hens LF blacks. I plan on hatching as many as I can this year either under a broody or with the incubator. Their personalities are so laid back and well, nice. Not flightly at all, the roos are non people aggressive. These birds were hatched out of Monte Bowen eggs last may so they are going on 8 months old in these pics.

Tony Beardsmore's javas were featured in Practical Poultry June 2010. The article says he can be contacted at [email protected]. The secretary of the Rare Poultry Society is listed as being Anne Merriman and she can be contacted at Danby, The Causeway, Congresbury, Bristol BS49 5DJ (tel:01934833619)

In the US, I would contact Lyle Behl for Auburn Javas ([email protected] or 217-498-7522) and Tim Christakos at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry for white javas (773-947-3735). Ruth Caron's Java Breeders of America website and the Yahoo Java chicken group have lists of breeders of the other varieties, hopefully some near you. Lyle Behl has a very nice website discussing the auburns if you google auburn javas and Lyle Behl. ---Jim Ward

Excellent! Thank you!

*waves* If anyone else has sources, feel free to jump right in!

I have a question: if I could get mottled Javas, what would I have to do with them (if it can be done, of course) to produce white Javas?
Great, then I can try to leach them off you.
Hi all. I just bought what I was told was a Speckled Sussex but with the help of BYC she has been identified as a mottled Java. She is only 6 months, super mellow and smart. I am not a breeder nor did I buy her from a breeder but I feel lucky to have her. I call her Dottie (so original I know, DH wanted to call her Speckles
). She is the youngest in my small flock and is fitting in so nicely.

She's lovely!

I'm still waiting to hear from my possible Java egg contact...
Nothing. Unless the flock you get yours from have been bred with recessive white Javas, and you randomly manage to get a bird that is hiding that gene, there is no way, short of a random mutation or deletion in the DNA (which you cannot control) to get a white bird.

If you want white Javas, buy white Javas. :)

Hope that helps.

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