Java Thread

Hello, out of curiosity did anyone happen to travel to Garfield farms today to visit the rare breeds show? Me and my dad went and managed to pick up 24 black java chicks. Excited to see how they will develop and hopefully mature into stunning birds!
My brooder is full of Java chicks, my grow out pen is over-capacity with more Java chicks AND I've got a batch of meat chicks growing out in our barn. So, while I attended to see our neighbor's (rare horse breed) - I kept a WIDE circle away from Tim's fabulous little chick pens! As always, a very good day at the Farm.

We've gotten chicks from the Farm for three years now - while some may not be 'show' quality....they're beautiful chickens, fabulous layers, very good momma's and consistently friendly birds. Of all the birds I've gotten, I've only had one nasty cockeral - who most likely was intimidated by our adult rooster.

Enjoy your new chicks!
Curious note about Java's and broody behavior....

Our Java's are now 3yrs old. So this is our third year with broody Java's. Curiously enough, each year, the SAME hen starts off the broody season - and she's consistently starting the week AFTER the Garfield show! It's getting so I'm thinking she's hiding a little calendar in the nesting box, checking off days!

She's got 7 eggs under her at the moment (unless someone snuck one in today)....and her sisters typically follow suit the week after she starts sitting. So, in a matter of a month, I'll have a population explosion - typically have 4 broodies with at least 3 eggs under each. I do try to limit who's got what under her. So once I know a hen is serious, I move eggs from a hen with too many, to a hen with fewer under her.

Did I mention the 13 chicks we hatched out in March and April? Yikes! I'm going to need a bigger coop! (Don't tell dh - we're supposed to be working on landscaping and installing an orchard this year!)
So I ordered 3 "mottled" Javas from Ideal in February. The girls I got look like this
They have yellow feet and the dark eyes like Javas do. Someone said its possible they could change when they molt. Is it possible I got a black java or a mix of mottled and black?
If you are talking about the bird in the front of the photo - no, that is not a Java and it will not molt to look like a Java. That bird has an entirely different pattern of coloring to its feathers. That bird is something else, most likely a mutt.
i have what i believe to be mottled java's. i am going to take a photo and post it here. i bought 2 of them from tractor supply and they said they were java's. not sure what kind but java's non the less. so i seen pics of mottled and i belive that is what they are but i will see what yall think.
not a good pic will get another but it is the one in the middle that is white and black.

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