Java Thread

I've found that pullets in the other black breeds I've raised also have a blackish or only a bit yellowish comb, too. Sigh. Which means I may have FOUR boys out of eight birds. It does give me two auburn (or auburn carrying) cockerels to choose from, though.

I'll just have to hunt down some white java hens to go with my two boys!
Hi, TurkeyMountainChicks, the last Auburn there is a pullet, don't worry
TMC....thanks for sharing the pics. Way to much fun seeing the happy bunch. It seems like you are doing a great job with the flock...

chickenlover54....hope you find happy homes for the bo bo's. I'm happy with the present flock. I'd take in some more, but suzie says I'm done for now.

I have to agree that the java peeps have to be the most sloppy eaters I've encountered in my 40 years of raising peeps. While I don't hold it against them, cause I love the breed, just saying that they almost need a pool to get enough water....

~ bigzio
I wish I could take more auburns, too - I'm really liking these Javas. But I think DH would flip if I bought more birds... I need to be building more coops as it is!

And Tamara - just HOW did you get your hands on so many more auburn chicks???

Maybe if you can't find homes for them...
Okay - so here's a question for Java experts:

I know that both white and auburn are recessive to black, which is why they were able to hide out in the blacks for so long. But what about auburn and white? What color chicks do you get if you breed auburn and white Javas together?

I don't know if I'll try it, but I am curious now...
Afternoon... and I'll try to answer your breeding color question....It depends on a number of things.
I believe that if the true white javas that have been bred to the point of dominant and recessive genes both being white....meaning you bred white to white for 8 generations that would be the result. Your question is quite interesting because you prolly don't have pure 8 generation auburns or 8 generation whites? Maybe you do, and any difference in the pure genes would weight the scale so to speak. In my opinion, pure white bred to pure auburn genes would end up with auburn being dominant over white, which would always end up recessive. However the results of the first breeding would be 50/50... Does that make any sense to you? Does anyone want to add to this discussion?

Best to Everyone... ~ bigzio
Tamara asked to see pics of the Auburn Javas I got from her on Memorial Day weekend, so here are a few I took today!
I got six Javas and ended up with three boys and three girls (also two Columbian Wyandottes, both girls).

The first is of the younger two cockerels.


This is the older cockerel with the three pullets, running toward me to see if I have any snacks!


This is the older pullet (also in pic above). She has the most color, dull black with Auburn highlights.

I'm so glad we found this thread! We're hatching our first black javas right now, and I was trying to find some more information about them. Zephyrcreek, we bought our eggs from your eBay auction! We received 8 eggs. 3 have hatched, and the other five have all pipped, on day 19! It's crazy. The chicks are the cutest I've ever seen, just huge balls of black and white fluff. They are adorable. Can't wait to see the rest hatch.

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