Java Thread

Good Evening....ooops my mistake...the eyes should be dark brown. The only disqualification is for more than one -half inch of positive white in any part of plumage; two or more feathers tipped with positve white; skin or bottoms of the feet showing complete absensece of yellow.

The eye color within the general scale of points is a total of 4, with 2 for color and 2 for shape. Out of 100 total points....2 points is quite minor. In my opinion.

~ bigzio
Hi to all Java lovers.

bigzio ... I back-tracked to your photos and the comment TMC said about your Java's eye color.

If I am not mistaken ... the Black Javas in the1998 ASP the eye color is listed as Dark Brown. In the 1910 Standard of Perfection edition the Black Java eye color is listed as Black, or dark brown. The Mottled Javas in the 1998 ASP and the 1910 Standard of Perfection the eye color is listed as Reddish bay.

Personally, I breed the Black Javas I want to show to have the dark brown color. I have found when a Black Java has the more reddish-bay colored eyes they usually have some White Java genes in their make-up. I have never worked with Mottled Javas so it might also mean they have Mottled genes too.

If you are breeding to reach the ASP you just have a little work to get the dark brown eye color back in your Black Javas and in the process you might hatch a White Java or two. From what I can see in the photo you have a very nice young cockerel. Where would be the fun if he was totally perfect? When you have a few generations of your own personal choice of breeding and you get that perfect bird ... let me tell you ... you are very proud.

Yes I have seen a perfect Black Java Rooster and he was totally awesome. Everytime I saw him he took my breath away. He was a GrandChampion in our local 4H fair. He died in a dog attack. I was heart broken.

Just a thought,
somewhere in this thread I read about someone concerned about a hen who was on the small side, you all know there are Black and Mottled Java Bantams listed in the American Standard of Perfection? I have not heard of who has a flock of Bantam Javas but I guess they are still around?

Evening to all.... I'm really happy with my pullets. They are the nicest birds and lay the best dark shelled eggs. They are friendly and just simply the best!
~ bigzio
Congratulations !

P.S. Java Chick I did a google search on Java bantams, i cant find anyone who owns them. I wonder if anyone has contacts here ?
"P.S. Java Chick I did a google search on Java bantams, i cant find anyone who owns them. I wonder if anyone has contacts here "

I am wondering if like the White Javas the genes are in the gene pool but we have to find them?

came in from work and found my small hen (i think that was me you had read about javachick--she is little, but def, not bantam--i guess someone could work with a bird her size though to create smaller birds) had been let out of the BJ pen and put in with the olive eggers, a pen that has 5 roos in it (three waiting for butchering this weekend). her back looked rough so i know she was covered. i am just sick about it. we live in a small tourist attraction/artists' community and although my chickens are in the PRIVATE space where tourists shouldn't be, they still sometime find their way back there and take pictures of me cleaning out the coop, etc. (insert grimace here). anyway, i am guessing some kid went in like it was a petting zoo and let my girl out of the six ft tall black java pen. at some point someone put her back up but in the neighboring pen, with all the roos. i am just SICK. i had orders for four dozen eggs and she was my BEST layer. now to keep her separate with the BJ flock for three weeks will put us in the dead of winter and this likely means my season of BJ eggs is basically over.


on the up side, candled my BJ eggs (day 14) and found 10/11 are developing and looking good. i will never have a flock of BJ hens this small again! i plan to add all the hens and one of the roos from this hatch, which will hopefully bring my total up to 7-10 hens and 2 roos.
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