Java Thread

Hi Everyone

Would any of you happen to have an extra roo or two of perferably Mottled but maybe a Black Java that you could sell and ship really cheap ? I have 3 BEAUTIFUL Mottled hens that I hatched from Tacey Perkins and they have started laying and I lost my roo a couple months ago and I hate to not be able to breed these girls in the spring but no one else around here has them so if I bought one I'd probably have to have it shipped and the shipping prices can be a real sting so I would need the roo to be really cheap to consider one but I wanted to see if any of you thought you may be able to help me out in the spring ?

chcikielady...i think your long tail is a roo. see what i mean about being confusing? i have the same issue here, and of course mine and yours are AT LEAST half siblings as well as double cousins...i know long tails are often pullets but i believe this may be if a certain crossing is done...slow feathering mamam to fast feathering papa or the other way round, i am not sure. all i know is, i have a long tailed, fast feathered chcik that REALLY looks like a roo. will get pics today. mine are 40 days so almost 6 wks.
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you are very correct there, this long tail (top photo on the right) is most definetely a roo, LONG tail!
He has a outside toe on the left that curls too, but do not know that that will ever be an issue.
He is cute as the Dickens !

So odd that usually the pullets feather out faster and more evenly, but not the case here.
Does anyone else notice this with their Java chicks ?
Good Evening All... I just have to chime in and say that my black java pullets are just the nicest birdies. They are always singing and happy and laying well. I give the coop a quick clean-up every morning. Frozen stuff is easy to pick up and keeps things in order....anyway, my bj pullets are always right there helping me get er done. You know that they love it when you talk to them and tell them they are the best! I know i'm a little crazy....makes you feel normal, eh!

~ bigzio
I just noticed you paint too !
I do watercolor wildlife, fins, feathers and fur mostly but also big game, elk and pets....
Love to see some of your stuff.
Show it off !
I'll show ya mine if you show me yours
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Hello all. I'm new to chickens and feel lucky to have a mottled Java in my little flock. I went to a local farm to pick up 2 pullets and randomly chose a MJ. Here's a picture:

She is an excellent forager and so calm and curious. She is also can barely see the Blue Andalusion behind her.
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