Java Thread

She is gorgeous!
Thanks for everyone's kind words !
I paint once in a while, usually when someone wants something.
Too busy to sit and paint.
Building a home and all the chickens...and no one seems to have money to blow on 2-dimensional art these days.
I just tried to paint a portrait of my nephew-in-law and have the hardest time doing tone and all...I guess I never spent enough time actually LOOKING at humans, I was always Ellie May out with my critters.
Yes you can starve being an artist !
my 6 BJs at 6 wks--would love some thoughts on sex.

here are my two long tailed/fast feathering--i am really unsure whether the one shown here on the right (nd alone in the third pic) with red wattles/comb is a girl. for that matter, i am not thinking all of the short tailed/scraggly feathered are boys. so, i do not think the "common wisdom" may apply here with my birds. as i said before, that rule only applies when a certain cross has been made--FF female X SF male or something like that. the mamas of these were 3 hens (and may not all be FF) so it just may not be the case that all mine follow that rule.



here are all 6 together--you can seem my probably roo (short tailed) in the back--this guy was the first born and has always been the biggest. i think i will be pleased with him. another cockerel is going to have to have some good qualities to usurp this little guy as the heir to the throne in my program:



short tailed--do you think these are all boys?



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That is so odd !
The ones I hatched from you the long tailed baby has a large red comb, I would be willing to bet a roo, and HE has roo personality, he mewls if something is odd, a slice of apple for example,added to the pen... and the other two (short feathers and comb) run away.
This is the best way to see if you have a roo is personality..toss a sock over their heads and watch the roos will stand up and almost attack...the hens will duck and hide.
See if that works !

Top one in the short tailed photos looks roo to me, but do the sock test !
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wow, everyone is being sooo super quiet lately !
Well, just imagine, spring will be here in just a few months, in fact, I believe February is spring.
So it sounds even better when you say spring will be here in 4 weeks !!
Then I get lots of Java eggs from several people and will be hatching out lotsa babies !!!
Happy Holidays !
Look how hardy this breed is. My Java hen hatched out chicks on Thanksgiving weekend, and decided to take them outside for fresh air today.

It's 20 degrees and she had them out for a full 30 minutes!


Oh that is so cool !
I was wondering how your broody was doing !
Thanks for posting and Happy Holidays !
The momma hen probably came outside and wondered what the heck is all this white stuff ?
It wasn't here last time I was outside !!
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Way to go with the broody Teach... hope that's ok to use a friendly slang? Go ahead and scold me if you're nick name is out of line... I think it's more friendly in a special way.
My bj women are just the best singers....they always sing the whole time I'm in the coop.

Have Fun, Stay Safe... ~ bigzio
i love your java's. would any one have any fertile eggs for sale? cincinnati weather is mild this week, and i feel the need to fire up an incubator (turned it on yesterday!!woohoo!) i know it is risky, but i sure would like to give it a shot.
anyone know where i could get some eggs asap?

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