Java Thread

You'll be all over the place: lol.

The Reds are most likely Sex-linked. Question would be what breeds were used to make them? You know one was Black and the other Red but that is about it.

Personally, if I were trying to stabilize the Auburns I would go to a show and buy the absolute best RIR Hen I could find: no feed store stuff here.

Then I'd use the cock I had (Auburn) and breed over that RIR hen. I would then select for type first and color second. Shouldn't be that hard to do.

Please don't tell Monte I made this suggestion! I want to remain one of his best friends and this would get me on the turd-list fast!
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This is what my RIR looked like last fall....she was about 7 or 8 months old at the time of the picture. I do not thik she is a RIR but some type of hybrid.


Could not find a good picture of the production Red.

Would either of these hens produce a black chick when mixed with my Auburnish Roo or with a Barred Rock Roo?
All I can add is what Lyle told me to breed for. He says breed with the auburn color and avoid the black ones. But using birds that carry auburn should produce a percentage of auburns. He says the females are trying to express the golden spangled pattern. Males the back and shoulders to be a deep rich red,not orange. The breast to be a golden spangled. Now there is no standardization and who knows what other breeders are shooting for, this is just what the birds seem to want to express.
If he were mine I would use him. Forsure!! He doesn't look bad in comparison to other birds I have seen, wich in auburns isn't very many. There are other people breeding the auburns but to know what they are shooting for is another thing. What I know is only what Lyle has been telling me the last few months and I would think if he has had the birds directly from the sceince lab for this long he should have an idea of what the birds are trying to express. Your roo looks like he has the start of the splangleing or whatever you want to call it on his breast. jmo
edited to say.. I think he is a nice looking bird.
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well, back to purebred javas, and black javas in particular...i've got my new cockerel picked out of the 4 i hatched in november. i had two big guys but they did not have the bright yellow feet i wanted. ended up deciding to keep the mid-sized boy whose personality matches his father's...he is always curious about what is happening, and comes over to me in a calm way to check me out. his feet are the most marigold, and his comb is perfect. i will post a pic asap.
Sure wish you were closer. i'd be happy for some of your eggs. I'm glad that the real java folks are working hard toward the standard of perfection....I'm here to help any way I can!
~ bigzio

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