Java Thread

My friendliest chick
Evening All.... Haven't done very much reading lately due to eye surgery ( torn retina). Hope to be good to go in a few months.

Life Is Good... that white on the flight feather will disappear and won't be a problem when the birds get bigger. Won't be long and they should be totally black.

Sure wish I could make the rare breeds event at the Garfield Farms Sunday. I'm sure they will have black and white java peeps for sale like last year. I was hoping to go this year, but can't due to the eye thing. Good Luck to anyone that is going....I'm jealous for sure.
~ bigzio
Just thought I would let you know the results of my recent harvest. My one year old rooster was 6 lb 10 oz to start and dressed out at 5lbs 4 oz. A very nice carcass, we are making chow mein tomorrow.
Are Black Java babies unusually large, as in weight, not size? I had one hatch 3 weeks ago and she's so round in the middle she can't even get on the roost with the rest of her buddies. The rest of the birds are taller and longer than her, but she's much heavier and round. Is this normal? Will she grow into her belly?

She's a happy healthy baby, just.. well, round!

The Java chicks are bigger than, say, Welsummer chicks. But they aren't as big as my Cochin chicks. My Java chicks tend to feather out the fastest and are very independent.
I have one black plymouth rock, one white leghorn, one RIR, and one gold sex link that are all way skinnier with way more feathers than this girl. She is feathering in very slow compared to the rest. I thought the black plymouth rocks were slow until I hatched her!

She is the top left in the bunch


Top right, the round one

Evening To All....nice three page article in the latest Backyard Poultry Magazine about the javas. Nice list of breeders with hatching eggs too! I might have to order some eggs next spring from Monte Bowen. I think his are worth a good look!
Thanks for the
on Monte.... I forgot to mention that he is also vice president of the SPPA (Society for Preservation of Poultry Antiquities).

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