Java Thread

The three young hens came from Turnland/Urch. The cockerel and pullet were hatched from eggs I got from Monte Bowen. He sent me about 4 dozen eggs. The post office reduce it to about 2 1/2 dozen. Seven hatched. Six males and the one female.
The three young hens came from Turnland/Urch. The cockerel and pullet were hatched from eggs I got from Monte Bowen. He sent me about 4 dozen eggs. The post office reduce it to about 2 1/2 dozen. Seven hatched. Six males and the one female.

Fantastic !!! So good to see someone hatching a real pure heritage Java !!

Best of luck in upcoming spring hatching.
These birds, wether from Urch or Bowen, are very nice temperment birds has been my experience.
Monte's bloodline has been in Urch's for quite some time.

* I wish Monte would log on & contribute
After all the hard work to bring the java is great to see some of us are still sticking to the Heritage Java.

Eng Teacher, ( I think ) called them "Mustard footed birds ?" Someone on here did, and that is exactly what they are !
True to type & stick to the APA's Standard to keep this breed as it was, a heritage breed.
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The three young hens came from Turnland/Urch. The cockerel and pullet were hatched from eggs I got from Monte Bowen. He sent me about 4 dozen eggs. The post office reduce it to about 2 1/2 dozen. Seven hatched. Six males and the one female.

Pullet on the right in the last photo has light brown eyes, so she has the Mottled Gene......cannot show her, but she may lay some split for Mottled chicks.
I keep waiting, but so far, no mottled.
As Monte said, he has raised them for a ba=zillion years and never had a buff, an Auburn nor any other color, but black.............and a mottled .
Any other color is a result of inbreeding.
who here got eggs from Monte. how many did you get and how many hatched out ??? he is selling the eggs and I need to know how many eggs I need to get to have any chicks and how did he ship them??? what state does he live in??
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Got my birds separated into their spring breeding pens, and collecting eggs now. So excited to fire up the brinsea and see some new Black Java chicks next month! Chicken Coach, are you hatching some too? How is that BJ male I sent over doing? I moved another pair out recently to another lady who wants to start in on helping conserve this breed. Every spring I get excited again about these BJs. :)
I recently contacted Monte about getting some eggs from him. I am going to split an order from Urch with a fellow Illinoisan this spring. I can't wait to get some javas.
Does Monte only have black javas?
Who has the best mottled?
If you have a really great black roo can you put it over a mottled you get splits or what? I should have paid more attention in genetics class in college.
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who here got eggs from Monte. how many did you get and how many hatched out ??? he is selling the eggs and I need to know how many eggs I need to get to have any chicks and how did he ship them??? what state does he live in??

I had a low hatch rate but I attributed this to the beating the box took in transit. I was washing yolk off some of the surviving eggs.

I recently contacted Monte about getting some eggs from him. I am going to split an order from Urch with a fellow Illinoisan this spring. I can't wait to get some javas.
Does Monte only have black javas?
Who has the best mottled?
If you have a really great black roo can you put it over a mottled you get splits or what? I should have paid more attention in genetics class in college.

Monte has very nice mottled. I believe that mottled is recessive, so that both parents must contribute the gene. A pure black in either parent would give you black.
Yup, he has a waiting list !
My hatch rate was pretty good, but I did get alot of eggs hammered by the Post Office as well.
Where I really lucked out was 75% hatched were hen chicks, and that gave me 1 cock and 5 hen chicks.
Glad it wasn't the other way around !!

Now I am hatching droves to increase my flock sizes.
We are selling eggs and doing shows now .
Can hardly waite for next Month's show !!

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