Java Thread

Here a broody, there a broody, everywhere a broody broody!

Waited for our 14mo old BJ hens to go broody. They didn't. Went to Garfield Farm and got 5 BJ chicks from Tim and Bill. Was set for the year! Wohoo!

Two weeks later - got a broody.
One week later - got a second broody.
Last night - got a third broody.

We only have 5 hens! So, I'm now down to maybe 3 eggs /day - DRAT! I'm going to have to go buy store eggs - yuck!

So, I've got a broody with a hatch date of June 20th. A broody with a hatch date of June 24/25th. And the third broody I threw off the nest and she's been in the yard all day with the other two hens and our roo. Need to go verify she's not trying to slip into the nest before bedtime....

Gads.....ask and ye SHALL receive!

Please keep fingers crossed that they'll be GREAT mom's! Thanks! I'm worried, as the two broodys are sharing housing - hoping they'll accept one another's hatches and won't compete for chicks, I'm out of spaces to put chicks/broodies/meat birds/regular flock!

Chicken multiplication is hard!
Good luck with your hatches! Can't wait until I get to that point with mine. I'm fretting right now thinking I may have a third cockerel.

I have two 13 week olds that definitely are. Johnny is really looking nice and does a great job of keeping watch on every one else, getting them into the coop at night, etc. Nicholas is lacking in tail feathers, but I am hopeful he will shape up. Now I am seeing quite a bit of red in the comb on one of the 2 younger ones. I have talked to HaThor and ChickenCoach and plan to keep both males and add in 5 more females, but if I have a 3rd male, one will have to be culled or traded...
Good luck with your hatches! Can't wait until I get to that point with mine. I'm fretting right now thinking I may have a third cockerel.

I have two 13 week olds that definitely are. Johnny is really looking nice and does a great job of keeping watch on every one else, getting them into the coop at night, etc. Nicholas is lacking in tail feathers, but I am hopeful he will shape up. Now I am seeing quite a bit of red in the comb on one of the 2 younger ones. I have talked to HaThor and ChickenCoach and plan to keep both males and add in 5 more females, but if I have a 3rd male, one will have to be culled or traded...
I have a few haTHOR hens and they are sweeties !
One black "Momma" is the sweetest thing and talks to me everytime I go out, she has been broody this spring one time, and raised 24 BBS Jersy Giant chicks!

She is the best Momma.
Now back in the layer coop she is giving me a very large egg.
Such a sweet hen !
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We've spent the last two days adding a nesting box on the front of the coop and repainting all of the exterior. I am absolutely amazed with how inquisitive my big boy, Johnny is. He keeps an eye on everything we are doing and just seems to pay so much attention.

The first 3 weeks I just gave them the grower/finisher feed in the hanging feeder and of course, whatever they foraged in the pen. On Friday I bought a bag of scratch grains and began scattering some mid-afternoon. Today they all ran right to the gate into the pen when I showed up with the little red coffee can of scratch. Johnny is almost to the point of eating from the can while I hold it!

I'll try to get some pictures of them tomorrow with the good camera. I took some the other day, but they were with my phone and not as clear as I really wanted.
Wanted to share a few pics of the AJ babies I hatched earlier this spring from the eggs I got from Soaring Chicks. They are really beautiful birds.
From this

To This
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Still no luck on locating any black java pullets within easy driving distance to round out my flock. I may have located 5 mottled java hens that are approx. 8 months old. Going to see them this afternoon.
Welcome to BYC ObviouslyAnnie!!
Have you tried the Buy~Sell~Trade section on this site? You may find someone who has them posted there.
She did it! Our BJ "Tiger" is now a Mom! (photo at end of story) She has 4 eggs under her - two have hatched (one 6/19 and one 6/20) and one is unzipping right now! Which leaves one to go!!!

We had a quick weekend trip to take just after Tiger began sitting. Thankfully, I had marked her eggs before we left with a blue oil pastel line down one side of the egg. Our pet sitter didn't take out the new eggs laid while we were gone. So when we returned home, Tiger was sitting on 12 eggs! Eeep!

Then our BJ, "Snowflake" (she's really flaky) decided to go broody shortly after our return. So we divided the eggs to the 'original' ones Tiger had and the 'new ones' that were set while we were gone for just 3days! Snowflake got 7eggs, Tiger had 5. Two got broken a few days later, so Tiger had 4 and Snowflake had 6. (Marked these with a red oil pastel "x")

Then, our BJ, "Ms. Black" became broody and pushy about it. Sitting on top of Tiger in Tiger's nest! So, divided Snowflakes grouping by half, so Ms. Black and Snowflake both had 3 eggs. These eggs are set to hatch on 6/23 and 6/24. Whew. That's a whole lotta babies all at once!

On top of it all, our meaties are due to be sent to Camp Frigidaire. So no time to build a broody coop for all these new Moms! Our 'emergency' coop is housing our 5 BJ chicks purchased from Garfield Farm just a few weeks back, and they're too small to integrate yet...I'm out of chicken houses! I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight to get another something coop-like built! But our Rooster, Roaster and other hens have left the chicks/Tiger/Snowflake/Ms. Black alone. Guess they're not up to a fight in the heat (it's a mere 97 here today - gads!)

Here's our cutie pie: NOW I understand why everyone's crazy about hatching out new chicks, they're SO awesome!

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