Jersey giant hen or cockerel


Jul 23, 2015
I've asked this and have gotten answers. I may just not like what I'm getting. If you've already seen this than I'm sorry. Here's 3-4 month old blue jersey giant. Hen or cockerel? Also are those black feathers sattle feathers?
Saddle feathers are at the base of the tail and extend up the back between the wings. My bantams began growing them by 10 weeks old but not sure how long large breeds take to develop them. They are long, skinny and pointed at the tip in roosters, and short, much wider and rounded on hens. Hackle feathers grow on the neck and are pointed at the tip on roosters, rounded on hens. I'm not familiar with Jersey Giants but hope I've explained enough to be of some help.
Saddle feathers are at the base of the tail and extend up the back between the wings. My bantams began growing them by 10 weeks old but not sure how long large breeds take to develop them. They are long, skinny and pointed at the tip in roosters, and short, much wider and rounded on hens. Hackle feathers grow on the neck and are pointed at the tip on roosters, rounded on hens. I'm not familiar with Jersey Giants but hope I've explained enough to be of some help.


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