Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

chick #2 wing
I will message the mod and make sure you get approved. Yes that is the one, there is the swap page and the discussion group.
Welcome, Bush Chickens and Azer! Please note that this thread does not have a ton of regular posters...most of us here are breeders working to improve & move the breed forward. I'm glad you have found some Giants and are enjoying them - but give folks time to provide feedback.

I have been posting regarding doing your research, and not believing everything you hear or read in the vein of hoping that no one here gets "taken" when looking to purchase exhibition-quality Giants. Of course, we all know there are good breeders and bad ones. There are also some who may not have the best interest of this breed as their first decision maker when selling. In discussing this with my friend and mentor, Sher Jennings, V.P. of the National Jersey Giant Club, she has asked me to post this note from her:

Recently I learned that someone is using a very old endorsement from me to sell their Jersey Giants online.......blues and blacks. This individual sells "pet quality" Giants and "show quality" chicks and if that isn't bad enough, charges a LOT of money from people who trust her. I canNOT be heartfelt enough when I tell you that I do NOT endorse such nonsense or anyone who victimizes people with such fodder in the interest of personal gain. There are no such things as "show quality" chicks. And "pet quality" Giants shouldn't be reproducing and taking us.......people who care enough about preserving this wonderful breed to be researching and asking questions and spending money on good birds............. further away from what true Giants are.
Warmest Regards,
Sher Jennings - Vice President, NJGC
Oh.. my goodness.. News at 6...
"white crested black jersey giant"
Get some meal worms for your chicks...
I dont have time.. to fill you all in on the new chicks I got in monday.<photo's tomorrow?>.
However,.Chic TV has taken over my life, If you have little chicks..or bigger ones too, and are not strapped for cash.. find some meal worms. (some here @byc)

I just saw the best tug o war.. with a meal worm.. (it was a med to big). so it took a loong time to settle who won.. was it the little
white crested black jersey giant
I'm putting these girls in training.. to do the out door work.. when they get bigger.

so get your self some meal worms.. and the movie camera. you wont wanna miss it..
start.. one at a time..
-- new chick mom.. it must be love .. even their little back up and poop is cute!

chick #1 wing

That's not a Black Giant. If it's a Giant, it's a blue. It is said that American breeds (which Giants are) can be feather sexed, but I can't personally speak to that. I hatch so many that I haven't the time to check wings, personally.
Would love to know if it works for you! Other things to look for are thickness of shanks (thicker is more likely a male). Also, I have been told that you can look at the chick's head in provide at about 2 weeks and be able to tell based on how the comb joins the beak. If it more "Roman nosed" looking, it's a male. If there is more of a distinct break between the comb and the beak, female.

My Jersey giant chick has big white wing tips,while her sister doesn' that normal?
In purebred Giants, as well as many other breeds, the wing tips will be white like this, and will motl out on one of the juvenile molts. Should be gone by 16-18 weeks.
Oh.. my goodness.. News at 6...
"white crested black jersey giant"
Get some meal worms for your chicks...
I dont have time.. to fill you all in on the new chicks I got in monday.<photo's tomorrow?>.
However,.Chic TV has taken over my life, If you have little chicks..or bigger ones too, and are not strapped for cash.. find some meal worms. (some here @byc)

I just saw the best tug o war.. with a meal worm.. (it was a med to big). so it took a loong time to settle who won.. was it the little
white crested black jersey giant
I'm putting these girls in training.. to do the out door work.. when they get bigger.

so get your self some meal worms.. and the movie camera. you wont wanna miss it..
start.. one at a time..
-- new chick mom.. it must be love .. even their little back up and poop is cute!


Yes, they love meal worms, but if you are feeding them to chicks, please be sure to provide chick grit - they need it to process the worms. I've actually been talking to my husband about starting a meal worm "farm" at home for my chickens. Frankly, they disgust me (
) but hubby is a fisher and he could use them for that, as well. So I'm really hoping he does decide to grow them at home!

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