Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Nice Flock!
As to laying mine first flock was one of the best laying flocks I had.
This flock has not started to lay but all sibns say it will be sooner then later.
I have gotten eggs 1.3 onces before.
If you want a breed that will lay almost year round (in cold too) with large to jumbo brown eggs you have the right breed.
I will always have JG's even if I ever had to give up breeding and dreams of showing.
I have recently added Blue Giants to my flock. Meet Hank Williams, Kitty Wells, Patsy Cline, and Loretta Lynn:

First 5 pix are of Hank

This is Patsy

Kitty is camera shy

Loretta doesn't get out much

I really want to get into raising these birds, how are these for starter breeders?
Not sure, I guess I should go look. I do have Australorps and believe me these birds dwarf them! The giants are way bigger everywhere than those guys. Shaped differently as well.
Ok, checked the bottoms of the feet, sorta tan/wheat colored, black/slate around the edges but had the light coloring on the balls of the feet and toes. Girls aren't laying yet, they are still pullets but one of them does have definite reddening and a larger comb.
So you'll have to wait for a real JG expert to chime in... as I'm not one of those, but JG's should have yellow feet bottoms. To my experienced eye, the roo reminded me of Orpingtons because of how round he is.
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So you'll have to wait for a real JG expert to chime in... as I'm not one of those, but JG's should have yellow feet bottoms. To my experienced eye, the roo reminded me of Orpingtons because of how round he is.

thats what i thought when i seen the rooster ??? and yes should have yellow one bottom of feet last year we bought 20 day old jersey giant chicks from a hobby farm and not one had any yellow on there feet so if you want to show thats a DQ sorry it really upsets me when people cross breed then say its pure breed well hope we are wrong about hank ??? well im no exspert so maybe some one else will tell you different .good luck with your breeding program john w
Ok, I see what you are saying about Hank's shape now. the girls are a bit more linear and and 2 of the girls do have more yellow on the bottoms of the feet but 1 girl and the Hank are lighter. Not white but yellowish. Thanks for your input.

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