Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

No Pictures yet, but out of 7 eggs, I got 5 chicks with my first hatch of the year. 3 blues and 2 blacks.

I told my wife this weekend I want to hatch at least 50 giants, to pick the best few to move forward with. That is in addition to the other breeds we have. I ducked in time and the pot missed my head. The Wall has been repaired. Do you think she it trying to tell me something?

Framac I think I must have some JG's. I have found a breeder who has black, blue, white, splash, and lavender. I'm leaning to the blue. What are the genteics on breeding them? Do 2 blue five you blue and black? How about the lavender? Does anyone have some pictures of lavender and splash they would share. Will JG fit in with my existing flock? From what I have read they are calm and will be okay around kids. What can you tell me. I went back to page 375 and read to this point. Thanks for anything you can tell me.
How interesting. I'll have to get one to see the diference in it and the blue.

I have Brown Leghorns, Easter Eggers, Wyandottes, Australorps, Polish, Silkies, and a couple of Banties. The Silkies and Banties are just chicks now and I realize I may have to keep them separate from the LF flock My hen house is a dirt bottom room on the back of my garage that is 320sq ft. and I let them Free Range during the day in my 3 acre fenced in yard. Will the JG get along with these others. Are them okay for kids to be around?

What about the color genetics?
I have Australorps and got 2 roosters nstead of one. Those roosters are mean and charge me if I don't watch. I had Lackenveldters, Auracana roostes before and never had any trouble. One of these roosters will be dinner soon.
I have Australorps and got 2 roosters nstead of one. Those roosters are mean and charge me if I don't watch. I had Lackenveldters, Auracana roostes before and never had any trouble. One of these roosters will be dinner soon.
I was reading about aggressive roosters on another thread, never let an aggressive rooster breed while you are there, knock him off, you will become the "A" rooster in the barn yard, carry around an 8 or 10 foot piece of pvc pipe every time you walk in the area. Then they will not attack you if you are the "A". good luck, I have never tried it.
I have Australorps and got 2 roosters nstead of one. Those roosters are mean and charge me if I don't watch. I had Lackenveldters, Auracana roostes before and never had any trouble. One of these roosters will be dinner soon.

Are you mean roosters Australorps of Jersey Giants?

I don't worry about them coming at me. Its my kids 11 & 8. I don't want them coming at them. I was going to work at a office down town (where someone has set out a few roosters that have now became the town icon) One of those boogers came running out of the bushes at me and I sent it flying. One of the gentleman who sit on the benches at the park told me he had never seen a field goal kicked in high heals. lol

I have my heart set on getting some Blue Jersey Giants, but want to make sure they don't have bad attitudes to go with their great size. My chickens are pets and bullies will not be tolerated. of course the mayor could walk a 13lber on a leash around town.
I can say my two JG roo's don't give me eye contact, but starting young I never let them have a chance. I like to take lunges and random grabs at the roosters to show them who's the boss. I would however never trust any rooster in the presence of a child as any unfixed male can crack. That said, out of JG, Production red, wyandotte/cochinx roosters... I've never had a meanie. Now.... silkie roosters that can see past their crests, leghorn roosters, and easter egger roosters, lunge, punt, hold their heads to the floor and they will come back for more. The few of those I've had ended up soup about a month earlier than planned because of their attitudes.

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