Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I have 7 Jersey Giants myself they are so funto mess with.
One of my hens is down she is not walking very well I have no idea what might of happened to her but I think my Rooster had somthing to do with it. Does any one have any ideas on what I can do to keep my roo from herting my hens?

If hens are losing feathers on their backs, etc, you may need more hens. I've read that at least 10 hens per rooster is a good number to prevent most damage. I had a hen that was limping and found that she had a large tear in her skin, hidden under one wing. It was probably from the rooster's claw or spur. I suggest you look your hen over really carefully for wounds if you haven't already. I understand you can also trim or file the rooster's spurs if that is the problem. I need to do that, but haven't tried yet.
Jake, can you give more information? It's very unusual for a cock bird to harm a hen, other than loss of feathers and occasional skin damage on their backs. But to hurt them to the point where they are unable to walk, is unusual. How old are they? What are they fed? Do you have roosts for them? If so, please remove the roosts. Giants are too large & heavy for roosts, and they can damage their legs just by hopping down, having the body mass that they have.

4-h - AWESOME! Looking fantastic! Quesiton - it look like the pophole door is situation OUTSIDE the pen; curious as to why you did it this way, or maybe I'm not seeing it as it is? GREAT job, sweet digs for your chooks!
She is all better now she is walking just fine now I am pretty sure it was the roo he is pretty aggressive

My JGs and my mom ( chicken sitter) are so happy with my new automatic coop door :). No more having to go open and close the door morning and evening. So easy to install and works great.
Very pretty but how do you know they are all in there?

They have always been great at going in the coop through the run and chicken door that's on the east side of my coop. I simply cut another whole in the west side and mounted the new automatic door. The next morning I opened and programmed the new door and if they wanted out of the coop and run to free range they had to go out the new door. I called some of my tamer ones through with scratch and everyone else figured it out. That evening I was working outside on a big brooder and watched all of them go in like they had always used that door. I then closed it to set the closing time. It's great!
Help have a similar situation with my flock of 11 and 12 month old birds-- all of my 10 hens backs are thrashed, at least on is bloody -- we have one Roo... In fact the only hen with any feathers at all is my broody who has been nesting for 3 weeks (babies are only a few days old).....

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