Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Hey Wynette,
thanx for the reply--didnt realize I got an answer! I have been lurking on the Hatchalongs since I been back--
I also went on vacation with relatives-- well I got back and she is sitting again (DH not so great about collecting eggs)-- and sadly I go out of town for 2 or 3 days evey 10 for work....

I think the issue was she is soo docile (the hen that stole her first clutch is a tiny little thing I think they made a mistake and slipped her in by accident, she is black but looks nothing like a Giant) and this Hen is my largest she is a Big girl--
anyways the update is.... 24 days later-- we have a lively healthy chick since yesterday and another pipped (is it stuck?)-- she sat tight in a nest box the whole time....
there are 4 more eggs should I toss them before.... I leave for work tommorrow at 10am ? (Back Sat eve)....
She is making these purring noises she seems so contented to finally have a baby....
OH, that's great! you're gone now, so I guess the point is moot. When doing things like grabbing eggs from a broody that you think may be too're taking your life in your own hands, if she's a really good momma! I use a welder's glove when do these things. Let us know how it turned out! HOepfully, those others hatched also & you won't even need to worry about it.
From what I can see in this pic, he looks pretty nice, Framac. Tough to tell, as I can see by the angle of his shanks that he's not standing up as he should be. I like that nice, long, and flat back. And, I particularly like his tail. I'm with you - I see no crossbreak from the headshot! Interesting. I'm not as keen on the blue pullet, but again, it could be a difficult pic to make any sort of assessment on. Do they both have yellow under their feet? I'm sure they must.

(are you a farrier?)
I took the Cockerel out of his pen to sit him there to get the photo's. Both the Dog and Cat were super excited, and he (the bird) was very nervous, and kind of squatting.

I also am not the hugest fan of the pullet. She was very squatted for the photo, but she lacks the mass I am hoping for. She will more than likely get sold as a blue layer.

They have a hint of yellow on their feet, and if I am to show, I'll get a bag of feed with marigold extract. All of the feet were very yellow at hatch and are fading in color.

Of note, the Blue cockerel that was not going to be kept has more or less straightened his cross beak too. Strange.


I certainly didn't intend to sound overly negative in my post. I'm in absolute love with the breed, and always have been. I'm far from throwing my hands and saying "that's it, she's too crazy, time to throw her in the roaster!". I guess I just expected different results. That being said, I don't blame her one bit for being upset based on the 'change'. The sellers mentioned they don't spend any time with their birds due to time restraints and mostly raising them for meat, and it was clear they were all quite flighty. When you entered the chicken barn, they would usually run outside to their runs to avoid you. She was caught with a fishing net and got quite tangled in the process - so again, I can't blame her for being upset. She's last spring's hatch, so about 1.5 yrs old and this was her first time ever going thru something of similar sorts (being taken away from the only home she's ever known, etc). I realize Chickens are quite adaptable and she absolutely has done a 180 since I brought her home a week ago, and I hope she continues to calm down.

During the day I leave the coop man door, and the run door open so they have two way's to come and go. This afternoon, she's sitting in her usual nesting place in the coop (but already laid earlier this afternoon). She did the same yesterday - while the others either snooze in the shade, or free range. She does take breaks and goes and free ranges with the others, but at least she's not running for the thicket at the sight of people. She still has 0 interest in coming within arms reach, but it's something we're working on as I spend, what some might call, a ridiculous amount of time with my birds. I'm hoping this is both signs of her becoming more relaxed and 'at home', as well as possibly improving her egg laying - though, I have no issues with a bird that consistently lays every-other day even if last weekend she felt she deserved the weekend off, lol. She laid the 19, 22, 24, 26 (today). Her eggs haven't gotten any larger, but they have gotten to be a darker shade of brown (the first egg was very light cream colored).

Either way, I still love her and love the breed and i'm sorry if it came across as any other way! I did post one photo of her shortly after she got put into the run last Friday - i'll have to get some more of her.

ETA: Here are new photo's as of today.

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OH, that's great! you're gone now, so I guess the point is moot. When doing things like grabbing eggs from a broody that you think may be too're taking your life in your own hands, if she's a really good momma! I use a welder's glove when do these things. Let us know how it turned out! HOepfully, those others hatched also & you won't even need to worry about it.

I think she is too docile! Next time (aint hindsight 20/20) I will definite seperate this hen-- what happened is baby made it down from the nest day 25 and mama and baby camped out on the floor of the coop together, I moved the eggs to a box (couldnt think what to do I dont have an incubator) and my dogs (who are great chicken guardians otherwise) ate the other 5 eggs!!!!!

Next time I was thinking I would try to put a couple in my bra? And give them another day or 2 that way?
Anyways I called home yesterday and my 10 year old swears that the one chick is missing.... Sigh.... I drive home today and will suss out the situation myself.....
At least the other 3 chicks from the June hatch are healthy and on their way to being fully feathered out, so we did get some new birds this season.....
Another win for the Jersey Giants! My daughter took Champion Overall Poultry this last week with her JG cockeral.She also took Champion Individual Chicken,Champion Bantam with a White Cochin bantam hen,She also got Reserve Champion Bantam with a Black Cochin rooster.

Hello, this may be a second post, but I can not find my original. I am in Placerville, CA. and I am interested in 2 pure bred Jersey Giants. Can anyone please tell me which online place to order from for the best and largest JG breeder? Thank you in advance.
Hello, this may be a second post, but I can not find my original. I am in Placerville, CA. and I am interested in 2 pure bred Jersey Giants. Can anyone please tell me which online place to order from for the best and largest JG breeder? Thank you in advance.
You may not find the "best" quality birds simply from going to the "largest" breeder. Just sayin'.

I would post a wanted ad in the BST section. That should be a good way to find a good breeder near you. Or, contact your district director who may be able to help you:

District V
Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming

Sherry L. Hintz, PO Box 512, Herald CA 95638, (209)642-2251, [email protected]

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