Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Feathers4fun...I would love love love to come see you at the show in January. Some Blue or Splash would be a wonderful addition to my flock. To be honest, since my current JG's are hatchery birds, I really want to see and appreciate some that meet the SOP. Thanks again. Can't wait. What dates. Will you be here?
I believe the show is the last weekend in Jan, like the 24-25. Here's a great site for show dates and locations.

See specifically breed information on eye color.

The eye color is a fault for sure, but certainly not a factor that can dismiss this bird as not a Jersey Giant. I have seen others that had eyes like these. I'm more concerned with the foot pad. It has a yellow hue to it.

I'd say that this is a Jersey, but don't go trying to show it, the eyes are a breed fault.
You might want to let them get a bit heavier, Jersey's grow their skeleton first then put on the meat. 9-10 pounds sure but how much is bone?
hi! Feathers4fun, I planning to go to National in Columbus to search for Jersey owners n breeders. Currently have 4 blacks and they are so sweet , I want a few more. I am curious mostly for Blues.
oh goodness! I really interested in some for spring, my set up isn't very advanced yet. but any help will be great.u can still pm if interested thank you!
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Hi, all. I received ten of these cockerels in my batch of 100 jersey giants ordered from Miami.Can anyone confirm they are Plymouth Rocks or something else as I've not had these before.

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