Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Thanks for letting me know and showing me with pics. I guess I just have giant lorps. Nice black legs they have.

NP I've seen giants with gray legs not full yellow but at a minimum they should have solid yellow soles on their feet if they are Giants and as I recall last I checked the Lorps will have pink soles if you can catch em to check
well I heart broken mine have white between sole n toes, grrrrr. darn glad I going to national to meet ppl who have real stock. not ordering from that hatchery again. wonder what's wrong with my BR bunch now,got back on hatchery site, they r called black giants, so newbie misunderstanding, shall fix the jerseys missing in my coop in '14. gab blast it!
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I had to go way back to when my JG was about 6 months old to see the yellow on the feet. It's subtle. She's a HUGE digger so today, her feet are just dirty all the time and I'd have to go wash them to see the yellow. Something she wouldn't like. So I just leave her be.
I'm so aggravated!!!! Came home today to find two dogs from up the road going after my birds. Peafowl and turkeys were in the trees and accross the pasture. 1 dead JG roo and the other one I can't find. 4 dead JG hens, 1 dead and 1 wounded BO and my daughters pet red Sexlink dead.
The worst thing is the owners of the dogs pulled up on the road called the dogs and just drove off. My DH called them and informed him of the dead birds and told them that the dogs better not come on our property again. I think he was much nicer about it than I would have been. I rifle will be at the back door for awhile.
I hate when people move out from town and think just because they have a couple of acres of land that they don't have to keep their dogs penned. We live on 85 acres but our dogs still stay either in the house or yard.
I hate when people move out from town and think just because they have a couple of acres of land that they don't have to keep their dogs penned. We live on 85 acres but our dogs still stay either in the house or yard.
I am so sorry about this - must be devastated. I would not be nice about it either. I'm sure they would be pretty unhappy if you came onto their property and killed their dogs. I hope you have asked for compensation. In some states it can amount to quite a bit. Plus, some state make the owners euthanise the dogs.
I am so sorry about this - must be devastated. I would not be nice about it either. I'm sure they would be pretty unhappy if you came onto their property and killed their dogs. I hope you have asked for compensation. In some states it can amount to quite a bit. Plus, some state make the owners euthanise the dogs.

We have never meet the people and don't even know where they live for sure. Haven't asked for compensation yet but feel I should. But collecting it would be a different story.
They will not be called again if we find them on our property again. We will "shoot, shovel and shut up", a term I learned in Africa when dealing with predators and livestock.

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