Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Thanks for getting more pics! Shrek shouldn't be used for breeding; he has split wing (at least it appears to in the pic above). And honestly, none of the blacks are great specimens of the breed. I mean NO offense, and I'm commenting based solely on the pictures; it's tough to know for sure via pics. "Jersey" is of better type, but it appears she has a cushion, and her back's not long enough. (@informative - this is a blue, but she's on the lighter side; blue is an accepted color).
I appreciate your honesty, and it's no skin off my back! For educational purposes, what is a "Split Wing" and a "Cushion"?
OK, to anyone who might know, while googling for Black JG pictures, I ran across a few pics of what looks like a BJG, but has almost purplish black comb and wattles. Is this, in fact, a BJG, or another similar appearing breed, and if so, what is it?

here is the pic I'm talking about.....



That second pic is of a different and pretty ratty looking roo, not built like a JG, but also has an almost black comb and wattles.
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OK, to anyone who might know, while googling for Black JG pictures, I ran across a few pics of what looks like a BJG, but has almost purplish black comb and wattles. Is this, in fact, a BJG, or another similar appearing breed, and if so, what is it?

here is the pic I'm talking about.....



That second pic is of a different and pretty ratty looking roo, not built like a JG, but also has an almost black comb and wattles.

They are either Ayam Cemani or possibly Swedish Black Hens. Both non-standard "breeds" in the US. I don't see how either could be confused for a Jersey Giant though? The body types are completely different.
Never heard of either breed. I googled (or maybe binged) Black Jersey Giant and came up with one link for images, and these were mixed in with the rest of the pics. I think the top one looks cool, the bottom one looks nasty.
Ya gotta be kidding me!!!
I googled the Ayam last night, and figured that's gotta be it, also found listings for several breeders. The pic above is a little misleading because it doesnt show the whole tail. Like I said before, it's kind of cool looking, but what makes this bird worth that kind of money?
On a side note, google any breed of chicken images, and you will be surprised how many pics of other breeds come up. I googled Swedish Black Hen last night also, and a good half of the pics were Swedish Flower Hens and Polish!
I have seen info on Ayam on pinterest giving price. Not sure if true but hey that's one strange looking bird.Imagine trying to round one up in the dark!! Now where did he go?????
my jersey giant chicks came in today from cackle hatchery,i ordered 10 pullets,1 roo,and 5 free range,and i also got a extra one in the box.they are all healthy and chirping away
This is a 2 minute video of my new Buff Orps and White Jerseys at almost 2 weeks old. Any ideas which ones maybe catch your eye as particularly good quality is helpful. About 1/4th of the Jerseys are experiencing pasty butts which is why I am feeding boiled or scrambled eggs daily to try to reduce this problem a bit. The Orpingtons are not getting any pasting.

There are some JG roosters for certain I already see them facing off to joust they are so cute at this age. Yes it is already getting a bit crowded in their 8'x4' brooder but there is a hatch that opens up into a chicken wired tractor with a ramp and 8' roost bar they are a bit young to use it yet. The last bunch loved the tractor at 3-4 weeks of age+


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