Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Speaking of the sop book I just ordered the new 2010 one.
I thought hard about getting the limited one but I just can't see spending that kind of money on a book right now.
Would have been cool but not in my cards right now.
Well bath day will be today or wen. Depends on what time we get home from work.
Will let you know how that turns out.
I got 2 chicks a while back from a family member. I know that he has a Jersey Giant rooster and hens, but he also has other breeds in the same pen. I have two JG hens from him that are laying, and I love 'em. At one point, I thought one of these was going to be a hen, but I now have my doubts. I think I have a mixed rooster and a pure JG rooster. We really like the colors of the mixed, and he is the only 1 of 4 roosters in his pen that has crowed.

What do you guys think??




Thanks. Well I got them washed and ready for the show . One got me washed

I think she thought it was fair game if she got one so should I.
The blue girl I think will do fine. The splash I don't think she will act well.
I could be wrong but she is so moody. I'll let y'all know how they do as soon as I can.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I think he is a handsome 'lil man!


We originally wanted to keep the mixed one. He is the only one that crows and looks pretty good, especially in the sun. The all black took forever to feather out and grow to catch the mix. I think he may luck out and get moved in with his very own hens one day. A few pure JGs in the incubator would be nice come spring.​
I think he is a handsome 'lil man!


We originally wanted to keep the mixed one. He is the only one that crows and looks pretty good, especially in the sun. The all black took forever to feather out and grow to catch the mix. I think he may luck out and get moved in with his very own hens one day. A few pure JGs in the incubator would be nice come spring.

I have 2 Black JG hens, 1 Splash, and 1 Splash x Cockerel.

Well after all that bathing the show got canceled today started pouring down rain and not enough showed.
good thing though was the judge and what I'm calling my junior judges( they have shown way more them most likely most of us)
My blue girl was good! She had 1 feather that started to twist close to the end of it in her tail.
The splash well not so good had good type and could have bred her but had a major sprig at the rounder part of her comb.
yeah I has saw what looked like a extra point there and everywhere I read it said cull less for comb more for other stuff.
So I ( should have and why I'm posting this) never really really looked at it and found out that is a culling fualt ( mostly for beginners as to hard to get out of the line) so I did get what I went for and learned more about this show stuff. Not to bad I have to say!
I may not have had the first show under my belt but boy it sure was worth it. I may just have to try it more this fall.

so Wynette our girl has passed go and the splash found a new home the same day.
I also sold all my extras from my other breeding pens and I'm just about set for the winter.
Would l love to get some sq jg's at crossroads!

Hope everyone had a great day and a good night too.
Hi! I bought a lovely black pullet, she was one of 4-all were supposed to be barred rocks. She has yellow legs, though. Can she be a Jersey giant? Hope so, I named her Jersey.
Too bad about the rain cancellation Soaring! If I read got to talk to a judge and the judge said your splash had an extra comb point and that it should be culled if you want to be a breeder??

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