Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Oops will try once more
So YOU are the one who took them! Lucky you! I called and they were sold and I was like
I should have called sooner

It's nice to know someone on here got them. Oh, and I would love some eggs/ chicks let me know when you have them available and I will snatch them up.
They are so gorgeous! *want*

How loud does he crow?
I haven't caught him crowing yet, he's next to a big Eng Orpington rooster so I don't know if he's still a bit intimidated, though the orp just ignores him, or if he's still settling in. Plus we have many roosters crowing at both ends of the barnyard and I don't recognize his crow yet. He does chortle and talk to the hen, who's a bit shy still.
No the pullet isn't laying now. The gal said she thinks she'd maybe just started to lay before she had to move them. I'll send you a pm so I can keep you posted.
Gosh, that's odd. I'm not sure why...

anyway, I'll get with you in the spring.

That will be great.
I figure it went to spam I get a few on the farm email like that.
Figures the spam get through to reg email and real email goes to spam.

Thanks for helping and all that.
I am big on letting them grow out slowly...I don't give layer feed until I see that first egg (acutally I give a flock raiser type of feed plus oyster shell on the side), but my last batch began around 32 weeks.

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