Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

Then a comment on the geography and weather. The Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway) are pretty high up north, but due to the Gulf stream (warm water moving north in the Atlantic on the west side of Norway) we get a slightly milder climate than you would imagine for countries located at the same height as Alaska. It also pumps slightly warmer water into the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland. That body of water is actually filled with brackish water, so the salt content is much lower than that of the Atlantic, about 1% (close to Saline) compared to 3.5% in the Atlantic. Our dogs like to drink that seawater. Latvia is located about 500 kilometers (300 miles) south of Finland, and it's part of the Baltic countries. I'm not that familiar with the weather of Latvia, but I would imagine due to it's more southern location and longer days in winter, that it's a bit warmer than what we have. I live by the coast though, so it never gets as cold as in the more northern parts of our country. Like I said, -20C is about as cold as it usually gets, occasionally it can dip down to -25 and sometimes even -30 if winds from Siberia are prevailing. Up north, it can sometimes dip down to -50C in the night, -51.5C being the record cold (-60F). The record low for Helsinki (our capital city, 20 km east from where I live) is -34.3C (-30F). Interestingly, in Sodankylä, the record high is over +31.7C (89F) and record low -49.5C (-57F). They also have a night that lasts over a month in mid winter, and don't see a sunset in over a month in summer. I think you need a pretty varied assortment of clothing there. Alcohol sales go up a lot in winter there too.
My dear Tara, of course, post that beautiful picture of my Sister and the beautiful is well worth it to share it with the world, and my chicken house still bears that warning for any dog that might think they might like my chooks for a morning meal, it is, hanging in all its glory...take it into one of your posts, they are far more interesting than mine. I have totally enjoyed my walk by your side reading your posts, but you still make me weary, all the work that you must do, to share your world with our big ol' world. Have a most beautiful day, CynthiaMQ

This was a beautiful sign Tara had made for me when a ding, dang dog came in and terrorized some of my buckeyes, and caused imminent death with a couple of them, it is worth its weight in gold and lives amongst my chooks

I don't know why the picture is not showing in the preview, but the url is there, use it Tara to make your magic with pictures, smiling...
Those were birch logs!!!!

I too make quite a fuss about keeping my feet dry in the winter. Don't put my good socks on until I'm putting my boots on. Having the right gear makes all the difference too, -30c can be comfortable if you're dressed for it :)

It was sinful that these large birch trees were taken down for a pipe line right away but as Rick put could sit there and rot into the Earth or it could be cut up, hauled home, off loaded, split and stacked and keep our big butts warm in winter. The trees were HUGE but no matter...not our decision! Fixins looks quite pleased with her perch, eh?

Yes, even if there is wool in the sock...we can get pretty miserable quickly if the feeties are wet! The Knowledge Network runs a show about a fellow that began to live up in Alaska at age 50...for what another 25 years but one of the Christmas winter time gifts I clearly remember him receiving was two pairs of hand knitted wool socks...he received that gift with glee! You can't go mucking about for hours on end in the winter wilds without toasty toes. LOL

Finding good footwear (socks included) is a most coveted accomplishment for us Northern types and I do BET you guard the existence of your fav good socks very well...hee hee..."Step away from MY socks!" LOL

Then a comment on the geography and weather. The Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway) are pretty high up north, but due to the Gulf stream (warm water moving north in the Atlantic on the west side of Norway) we get a slightly milder climate than you would imagine for countries located at the same height as Alaska. It also pumps slightly warmer water into the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland. That body of water is actually filled with brackish water, so the salt content is much lower than that of the Atlantic, about 1% (close to Saline) compared to 3.5% in the Atlantic. Our dogs like to drink that seawater. Latvia is located about 500 kilometers (300 miles) south of Finland, and it's part of the Baltic countries. I'm not that familiar with the weather of Latvia, but I would imagine due to it's more southern location and longer days in winter, that it's a bit warmer than what we have. I live by the coast though, so it never gets as cold as in the more northern parts of our country. Like I said, -20C is about as cold as it usually gets, occasionally it can dip down to -25 and sometimes even -30 if winds from Siberia are prevailing. Up north, it can sometimes dip down to -50C in the night, -51.5C being the record cold (-60F). The record low for Helsinki (our capital city, 20 km east from where I live) is -34.3C (-30F). Interestingly, in Sodankylä, the record high is over +31.7C (89F) and record low -49.5C (-57F). They also have a night that lasts over a month in mid winter, and don't see a sunset in over a month in summer. I think you need a pretty varied assortment of clothing there. Alcohol sales go up a lot in winter there too.

Excellent information...thank you for this.

I am thinking that Latvia would generally be no where near as ugly weather wise as some spots on Earth for coldness. But indeed, my heritage is half Latvian and I think of my father as a modern day Viking...huge beast of a man with long flowing blond hair with a wicked red beard and piercing blue eyes. He loves to test himself (why NOT row an open boat across the Atlantic to see what is "across that Pond!"), and would have made a fine "berserker" on the front lines of any battle field --Eek? No wonder I spent many a weekend as a teenager cleaning out my purse and washing my hair on weekends--to counter, I did get up early and go sports fishing so I used the weekends up in other ways! LOL

I am betting if your heritage is from the general area of "Northern Europe," you are more inclined to thrive in cold climates than someone with heritage from say, the equator type areas. Those peoples would be tres miserable where I love to live. Different strokes for different folks and great we are all made up differently. Hate it if we all WANTED to be hanging around at we are spread out a bit and distributed all over, eh? Not ten people deep, all living in one location.

I watched an awesome program a bit ago about Fjords in Norway (I think it was geography is stunned at best and I zone out on recalling where places are--too much of a HOME body to pay much bad 'cause I will never travel there!) and how interesting the climates can be in areas like that. It was a trip on one of the many cruise ships and what an interesting vacation it was--the sights were more than spectacular and jaw dropping!

According to Environment Canada, "The limits of 24-hour sunlight and 24-hour darkness extend approximately 50 nautical miles north and south of the Arctic Circle."

Midnight Sun and Arctic (polar) Night...

Lookit the stretch on this...light April to August...dark October to February!

Grise Fiord 24-hour light - April 22 to August 20 24-hour dark - October 31 to February 11
Resolute Bay 24-hour light - April 29 to August 13 24-hour dark - November 6 to February 5

Interestingly...some places get the 24 hours of sunlight but not the 24 hours of darkness--me wondering if that is a "marketing" ploy to say, come here and stay...for the never ending sunshine but not that blackness to counter it in the winters??

Repulse Bay 24-hour light - June 4 to July 9 No 24-hour darkness
Pangnirtung 24-hour light - June 8 to July 4 No 24-hour darkness

I am not SO sure I would like 24 hours of dark OR light.

I have lived in some places where we do get quite close to this (there are places here in Canada that do have this as we can see from above)...sometimes when I worked full time I was exasperated because I left in the dark to arrive home in the dark and also have to laugh even here...when it is 10 pm and I am still running around like a silly chook because I forget to check the actual clock tends to get very tired without sensible sunshine lengths to tell one, "You is shut down time and time to attend to supper!"

When September rolls around I am usually quite happy to be more sensible and have to drive school bus...morning and afternoon runs make me follow some sorta clock schedule. I don't wanna but I do have to behave and am sure my body is quite happy to follow a more legitimate regimented set of "to do" items. I cannot start long projects without planning better because they have to be wrapped up for the afternoon run! I figure this keeps me more alive and well...har har har!

My dear Tara, of course, post that beautiful picture of my Sister and the beautiful is well worth it to share it with the world, and my chicken house still bears that warning for any dog that might think they might like my chooks for a morning meal, it is, hanging in all its glory...take it into one of your posts, they are far more interesting than mine. I have totally enjoyed my walk by your side reading your posts, but you still make me weary, all the work that you must do, to share your world with our big ol' world. Have a most beautiful day, CynthiaMQ

This was a beautiful sign Tara had made for me when a ding, dang dog came in and terrorized some of my buckeyes, and caused imminent death with a couple of them, it is worth its weight in gold and lives amongst my chooks

I don't know why the picture is not showing in the preview, but the url is there, use it Tara to make your magic with pictures, smiling...

Yee haw and slop the chickens...

This to me, is the best photo EVER of the glory of what precious poultry eggs mean for so very many of us...stricken with this insatiable poultry passion...

Thank you Cindi for permission to share this...glory glory glory be to the wonders of them eggs!

Since you so kindly provided a photo of the current residence of the sign at your local (and thank you Vehve for taking the techno hiccup & making it work--fabulous you are able to do that for those of us "technically" challenged at times!), I will add here the photo of the creation of yer sign from the Man Porch...with Inspector Fixins observing...the whole process was overseen with her immense approval!


"Them dog dogs DO hafta behave...take care to be watchful of those precious chickens!"

I even got to discover a nice product new to me...laminated sleeves you don't have to have an actual laminator to benefit from. I know how dander dusty our coops may get and just a sheet protector does not always do that great of a job to protect paper from being soiled up by it and make it last!

If my memory serves me correctly...CoopSlave had a hand in helping me with the exact wording too. So the sign was an accumulation of many of the people that so LOVE to love you my Dear and never want you to have an ounce of misery ever visit you.

For those not in the know, Sunshine Woman is always wishing people to have a "beautiful day" amongst other kind written thoughts...even if she is also "all about herself," too! She is "SO very much loved" you know...proven by many, many by the acts of love given as gifts to pay homage to her Majesty of the Sunny Disposition... LOL

Is that enough teasing for today to keep you in balance, Babe? <<poke, poke - poking you in yer eye?>>

U may need to call ghostbusters for ur garden. I didnt do it lol. I was at the gulf

Perfection...ghouls in white sheets...bwa ha ha...good one Bama!

OK you are off the hook then. So, so not guilty of garden raiding! Guilty of something perhaps, just because you are you but not guilty of this three sheets (actually refers to the ropes or chains that hold the sails in place) to the winds caper...

Food, glorious FOOD!....good for you garden produce foods...

Aug 26

Harvested some Swiss white and red stemmed varieties.

Just boiled it up, drained water off and plopped pat of butter on it...good good green goodies!

Took the last of the creamer garden potatoes I boiled up the other day and sliced them up...added more sliced/diced onion from the garden with some chicken white meat cubed up and a few spears of boiled asparagus cut into bite sized pieces.

Decided for the meat portion to have beef burgers (sorta like a meatloaf)--for supper and one burger sliced in half for Rick's lunch on a nice sub like piece of bread for the next day.

So took hamburger, some more garden onions (oh kiss me...oozing the onion breath!), half pack of soda soup crackers crushed, with two pullet eggs...

Mixed up and made into six big patties...

Get the cast iron fry pan going with some oil to fry up the potato mixture in (boiled then refrigeration helps do dry out the taters so they don't stick too much in the pan--more they brown up instead!). Used the stove's pancake griddle pan (with NO oil) for cooking the burgers upon. The burgers are gonna retain more oil because of the crackers soaking it up so you better work all the more the next day to work that off so you don't add to the spare tire around the mid drift! LOL

Add some ketchup to the potato mess if you prefer and hunk it all down the trap...simple quick dinner of delish that uses up leftovers!

Talking about foods...hey, here's one to make some of you laugh. Potato sales are on the decline...Wanna take a guess on WHY?

Well nobody seems to want to wait "the hour" it takes for a potato to bake in the oven no more's... I laughed and laughed. Easiest potato dish EVER is to poke some spuds with a fork and toss them in the oven with the roasting chicken or beef or whatever. Gonna heat the house up and the oven is going already, so why not benefit from the oven going and bake up some potatoes too. Even do a few extra potatoes (leftover roast beast with pan gravy and pan fries...num num) and cool the bakers off and sliced up with some green onion for pan fries the next night or even a glorious extravagant lunch...Mmmmmmm...marvelous & easy peasy!

How insane, eh...can't wait on a potato to bake...not like you are standing over the hot stove slaving the whole wing/ding dang hour...whatever!

Junk foods are instant and target the major three addictive tastes us humans are inflicted with...salt, fats, and sweetness whilst feeding our need for INSTANT gratification. The decline of society is for surely here when the home spirited values of a good homecooked meal means nada over fast food and instant meals...blah! Never did get instant bacon (or chalked up "instant" potatoes) or the amount of "landfill up garbage" from the coffee portions for ONE cup...Sure I do GET the reasoning for the one cup for someone single on the way out the door to work but instant bacon...really...and what do they have to add to a pre-cooked bacon portion to preserve that product? Scares me it does! I figure you eat enough of that stuff and you begin to resemble your food (you are what you eat, eh?)...well preserved but barely alive and certainly NOT all that well.

Some of my multiplier onions did not sustain hail damage (planted near a fence which protected them from the peasized coldness) and the green tops look rather nicer than the ones that did...

Aug 26 more properly green multiplier onions

Fuzzy Butts warning....

More hatchlings...last night, turkey poult and a bantam Indie Duck (trying to "fly be free!" and crash land amongst the Booted chicks...agh!) with the Booted Bantams (7 MDF and 4 whites).

Consistently, every durn the incubator Buster at least...the Booted Bantams are the first of the chickens to pip and bust out. I really do figure that the smaller sized eggs (from the smaller sized chicken breeds) are the first to hatch because basically, the size of the smaller egg means they are warmer than larger eggs like from the Standard Chanteclers. They are heated up easier and maybe the heat speeds their development (not to a disastrous situation where we COOK them!) along.

Every single hatch...I can expect to find the Booteds busted out first and the Chantecler large fowls are the last in the chicken group...I mean I do have some of both bantams and standards do the middle bust out during a hatch but when my hatching eggs are set all at the same time...there has to be some sorta reasoning for Booteds first and the standard Chants later. Kinda neat that. Anyone else note the bantam breeds are busting out before their larger breeds in the chooks?

My ongoing investigation into the dark skin on my Booted Bantams continues...need to make a post to The Coop but where is the time for all this plus some sleeping time too to manage all this busy busy this time of year!

Yes, yes, I even bore newhatched birds to sleep .... "Zzzzz...."

Here is a Mille de Fleur Booted hatched yesterday with dark skin (note the Egyptian "eye liner" mark...that means this one is based on e"+" or duckwing wild type in the e-series!)--I have both MDF's with light skin and ones with dark skin (preferred for the SOP variety descriptions) and even one fella with one dark leg and one light leg (very kewl and puzzling that boy!).

Now do notice the yellow pigments on the foot bottoms...this would be colour given from the egg yolk they absorb as food for the hatching chick...takes some time but this yellow pigment does eventually leave the system (like how a hen depletes her yellow pigments and the egg yolks, her legs & beak if she is that colour, even her skin too, etc. from after a long stint of laying can lighten if she is not topping up on the pigments she consumes in greens and yellow corn).

Anyway...I have more things to do before night crashes in to destroy the poultry party I have each day...bwah ha ha...away away I go again...mustering up mayhem and tossing treats to keep the happy things happy...


Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Tara, you think the yellow in that chick's feet is from the egg yolk? You say it wears away. How long does it take?

I have one pullet that has yellow beneath her slate scales on her legs and feet. She's a beauty and it breaks my heart that I cannot use her because of the yellow. How long does it last? This gives me hope that she might yet outgrow it.
it's late and I'm tired, Thanks!

No worries...I bore some to sleep...better than sleeping pills in fact as there are less side effects!

The yawner, second from right, has been thru this process right from day one! He's the half and half feet coloured Booted.

"Good gosh...make her stop..."

"I give in...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Pretty soon...they are all pretty much sawing logs...such a stressed out grouping, eh?

And not just one group is afflicted...the next group I clicked yesterday...

At least half are sleeping...I just started clicking pics! WAKE UP already!

The Bantam Chantecler project birds were afflicted with the same attention spans...same stress levels too I suppose!

Surfer Dude don't care...he's napping even with the rest GLARING at him!

Even Fixins attempts to sleep in my presence...stinky eye er what?

Dog sleeping here...tone it down a bit...

Tara, you think the yellow in that chick's feet is from the egg yolk? You say it wears away. How long does it take?

I have one pullet that has yellow beneath her slate scales on her legs and feet. She's a beauty and it breaks my heart that I cannot use her because of the yellow. How long does it last? This gives me hope that she might yet outgrow it.

Yes, yellow pigments from the carotenoids in the egg yolk may be expressed by chicks for about six weeks.

We are not to judge leg/shank/toe colours until they have time to run the yolky yellow thru their systems. Same goes for iris colour...chicks have that blue/grey iris until sexual maturity...true eye colour cannot really be determined. Add in the fact that some diseases cause off eye colours too... Marek's being one...sometimes waiting on the RIGHT colour to be expressed can be exasperating!

Hi Tara, I've been out of it for a bit. I was just reading through the posts and I love all the wonderful pics as usual! Your little Millie bantam is so adorable!

Yes, these silly ones were MY breed choice. I waited two years for my first MDF Booteds and it was worth every second...hee hee.

I've really hatched alot of the Booteds in White and Mille de Fleur varieties this year...

Trying to figure out the reasons for dark pigments in face, feets and skin. Fm and Id seem to be involved plus mottling.

Funky stuff like dark face with light legs, then light face with dark legs...opposites of each other! Why...what for & how?

Dark legs/gyspy face no mottling...
Even though mottling takes some time to appear...this boy has no white dots...not dotty dotted...very dark eye too...very!

I have a pair of these funky ones mottling and dark eyes and dark skin and faces...very neato!

Far left is male, far right is female...

Mottling is suppose to have an affect at lightening leg pigments...all this is compounding things and hard to track...basically you have dark or light skins and then sometimes faces (gypsy face) and yeh...then the dude with one dark leg and one light happens...yeh...really? Throw me under the bus now and get it over with! What IS going on....

Icrumba! Make up yer mind, eh?

He's sitting on the fence, undecided about his leg why not be one of each...blow Tara's mind up inthe process (like I have much of one left now!).

It is because like I care about colour but I don't...about as much as the birds seem to care in the whole scope of things, eh? Like it is amusing to wonder..."When this egg busts out as a chick...jest what colour is that Booted Bantam gonna be...oh my I can hardly wait to see!"

Aug 4th

This boy was in my first hatch on July 14th (Murphy's one it was FUN & funky too...)! This one has the one dark leg and one light leg...sweet sweet boy that sure endures and copes with alot!

July 29th

Photo from day one...his hatch day!

July 14th bizarre right off from the start this incubating year!

Aug 4th

He's been desensitized about having his picture taken...and he's still cute about the whole procedure...even if he does doze off now!

Aug 28th wild coloured feets!

It is the dotty dots that caught my them dancy dots!

The mottling on a red and black pigmented background. Helps me remember too which colour comes first...the spangle is no pigment (white) on the feather tip and next followed by black and then the red; all in order of how speedy the melanins (eumelanin) is faster than the reds (phaeomelanin).

This hen, she carries one dose of recessive white (miscolours in her primaries...see the white in the wing feathers folded up?) and therefore produces both White and MDF Booted babes.

Took this pic last night of one of her feathered feet...

Even with broken feathers (due to be replaced when she moults for winter), there is a fair amount of long feathers there plus the breed feature of the Vulture Hock (wing like feathers on the hock). Booteds and Sultans are some of the breeds allowed Vulture Hocks...for most breeds this is a disqualification.

Booted Bantams are scrawny chickens not worth even making soup stock from...but good sized decent supply of eggs when you consider how tiny and efficient they are. Dotty pets with benefits for us, eh?

Yeh, love my Booteds alot!

MDF Booted hatch from yesterday...
Got two dark skinned with one based on duckwing and the other on eb brown in the to see if they both colour up with mottles (white dots) or not...that takes time to see. Way way too much fun being had...

Took some basil in from the greenhouse yesterday

...another warning of frost for here but not come to the veg garden continues to grow & prosper.

Thought for the day...another good one from Albert...

He sure had alot of great wisdom for us.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

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