Jet's Fight: Chapter 8


Chapter 3

Jet turned around. The sight before her made her sick. A chicken's throat had been slashed. To the left, 4 other chickens were in scalding water.
"Get us out of here!" a Cornish cross cried. "Or we'll be next!"
The farmer then turned his head, looking for the next chicken, and saw Stormy. Both Jet and Stormy were alarmed.
“My gosh,” he muttered, “is this a new undiscovered wild breed of chicken?” He then approached the two.
“Get away from her!” Jet threatened as she laid her ears back and hissed. The farmer only tapped her with something in his hand. However, it was very sharp, and it cut a part of Jet’s shoulder blade. She screamed in alarm.

Stormy ran around the barn with all of her strength, but the farmer did not give up. He continued chasing her until her sides hurt. Stormy felt like resting, but she couldn’t! Not in this crisis!
Jet did her best to chase and protect her friend, but she just couldn’t keep up. Finally, the farmer dove down and grabbed Stormy’s tail feathers. She screamed in alarm as she flapped her wings frantically, but it was futile. The farmer carried Stormy out of the barn, to a small house, with Jet trailing behind.

The farmer closed the door to the house behind him, and came out with a cage and some keys. He opened the door to his truck, inserted the keys, and placed Stormy in the back. Jet hopped in the back just in time as the farmer drove away.

To be continued

(Note: The birds being killed here are meat birds.)

I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about what's going on for me in real life.
I just lost my favorite chicken to a dumb hawk. I'm not going to post for a while.

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