Joined Facebook and regret it now.....deleted page

Thanks yall, I will just stay away from FB and stick with my BYC'ers
Guess that is why I love pets so much, they don't bring drama! Ha ha!!
I have my own mother blocked so she can't see anything about me or my kids. Luckily my MIL rarely goes on. But I love Facebook. I just don't ever post anything too personal.
I've enjoyed FB now than I did earlier...not bad at all when you are socially on line with chicken friends LOL! Most of the time, it is for games, whats going on with family members and good friends. I only select who I can trust.

Had a few bad apples, knocked them out of cyberspace and never saw them again. I blocked them and never or heard from them since then!
Im on Facebook, but I use the highest Privacy settings, no one can read anything unless they are my friends...and I dont have that many friends, I think I have 50 or so. A friend of mine "friends" every single person she can find, I think she's up to about 2800 people. I think thats putting yourself waaaaaay out there.
I love facebook largely due to the hours I work (night shift 6p - 6a). It's hard for me to keep in touch with family & friends, so FB is a great way to keep up with everyone. I'm also hooked on a couple of games they have. My privacy setting is way high on my personal page because I am very protective of my privacy.
Highly recommend that block button, for me fb an escape i dont post anything the whole world cant know and keep my photos private for selected friends. its handy to keep in touch with friends abroad and in my old town apart from that i play the games "met" some nice folk through them and yes some weidos too but its not for everyone my parents dont like it but they like seeing my photos when i visit and go on my fb to download them onto there computer.

So sorry... I know exactly what you mean. I know people like that, and they don't even need FB to attack other people. They do so by rumors, passive-aggressiveness, and innuendo to say the least. Can't stand it myself. Wouldn 't join FB to save my life...

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