Joined Facebook and regret it now.....deleted page

Thank you, did not realize how much people can be this way when everyone sees it.....but I know how they are there will be someone else to hate on soon enough for them. No one needs that kind of negativity in there lives at all....I only want to post positive and try to lift up and encourage people. Not hate or hurt.
I'm sorry for your bad FB experience! I really don't like it either. If I ever did a FB page again, I would make sure I kept tight reigns on it. I had a FB account set up FOR ME by someone without my permission (a "friend" that I worked for no less, not a "real friend"). I had problems with it from day one and pretty much have not even looked at it in forever because everytime I did, it froze my laptop. Whenever I would try to do anything really on it (from download apps to approve friends), it did it. Long story short, I have ignored that it was even still up until about a week ago when I logged in, but it wouldn't let me see my own friend's list (so I suspect the old "boss" might have still had access, I know so stupid on my part). I was able to successfully get a new password set, finally get access to the friend list, and deleted about 15 people that were not real friends, most were old coworkers that I have no contact with.

Anyway, I see so much potential for misuse of sites like that. It just doesn't appeal to me that much to be on them.
Thank you, sorry you had a bad experience too. I don't know that I would ever go back, but I would do like you said and many have said and it will be friends and family, not my inlaws for sure!! Just like any forum you have to let some things go, just ignore or don't comment if you don't like what they post. I tried to always post positive, uplifting quotes. Even some Bible verses, guess they did not like that, but I wanted to be positive when I had anything to post. Oh well, they can have talking about whoever it will be because I will not be there to see if it is still me they are talking about or not. And neither will my DH see it either, we both deleted ours. That is why we then got the nasty emails, ate his mother up! lol
If ever any of you or BYC wants to befriend me, please send in message - how you know farm - thru BYC etc. Thanks and have a blessed evening!!!! My night time!
I have an account. I just use it from time to time to look up people. Where it says "What are you doing right now?" I put "Collecting unanswered friend requests"
but it didn't seem to slow anyone down from trying to friend me. I don't want to "do" facebook. It is a tool for me to use, I am not something for them to use.
I enjoy facebook, I am even fb friends with my ex husband......

I don't have "drama" on my page, but people that do like to post their own drama....tend to find themselves no longer on my friends list.

I think if you find your relatives are posting mean things, it really says a lot about them and not so much about you, they will keep on posting mean things-too bad. Life is too short for drama just to hurt someone.
MIL has one, never logs in. SIL's eldest... that'd be 12... has one. Some of the stuff he posts, well let's just say it's obvious that mom is NOT supervising. And yet I bet you a donut if I said a word it'd be MY bum in the pickling kettle.

Best to keep trap shut and just enjoy Mind Games... I mean... the games Mind Games... not the mental ones that are going on... gah... that was confusing.

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