Joyner's Chicks

Doing a lot better with the new design. Maybe she was slipping on the newspaper. Using a towel now. And moved the heat lamp up higher. Named her Faith.


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Shine the light off to one side of the brooder, so the chick can move away from it if it's too warm. The towel is a good idea, newspaper tends to make the chick slip & slide.

I'm thinking the legs look "weak & the toes are curling", possible vitamin deficiency. You may want to get some Nutri Drench (feed store) or even baby vitamin PolyVisol (no iron) 1 drop 3x day on the side of it's beak. You can make a "sling" to support it upright yet feet touching the ground, it needs "therapy" to learn to get its legs/feet under it. I can't find my file but "search" the forum of Chicken Sling.
  • ALL brooders require a thermometer and heat lamp adjusted accordingly.
  • All brooders require enough space to allow chicks to move to a cool zone by free will if necessary.
  • Vitamins/electrolytes/pro-bio-tics are almost essential for positive growth/development/well being of hatch lings.
Sorry & sad about your present situation.

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