Jubilee orpington


7 Years
Dec 5, 2015
Ordered 2 sexed females. Looks like I have one pullet, and one cockerel. Am I right? 6 weeks old.


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It's a bit young to be completely sure, but so far I think they are the same gender as each other (hopefully female, since that's what you ordered.)

What makes you think one is a cockerel?
It's a bit young to be completely sure, but so far I think they are the same gender as each other (hopefully female, since that's what you ordered.)

What makes you think one is a cockerel?
Thicker legs, feathering out slower than others, has more white feathers...
Thicker legs, feathering out slower than others, has more white feathers...
Thicker legs may be a sign of gender, but isn't always.

Slow feathering is usually not a reliable sign of gender. It is possible to breed chickens where feathering speed indicated gender, but that does not usually happen unless the hatchery is deliberately breeding for it. (The internet has lots of "how to sex chicks" information that misses the important point: it doesn't work on most chickens!)

Due to which genes cause the white in this breed, the amount of white should not have anything to do with gender.

At this age, the comb & wattle development are usually the best indicators, and they are pretty equal between the two birds. So that's why I think your two are the same gender as each other.

A few more weeks will probably make the matter more certain, one way or the other.

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