Juju just saved my chickens !


Dec 24, 2019
Mid Missouri
My three dogs and I were gettin ready to go for our afternoon walk, and Juju (pictured) was acting strange, like she didn't want to go ….. My other two dogs were excited as usual to walk the property, we usually walk a big circle around the chickens, as they free range for a couple of hours in the afternoons.

I was halfway up the driveway, and noticed Juju wasn't with us, so I turned to see where she was, and she was standing back by the chickens, lookin the other way, tail straight out, with a stiff wag. I thought she spotted a squirrel, so I told the other two "watch Juju", and they apparently took note of her body language, and started back toward the house.

Before they reached her, Juju shot like a rocket towards the woods, and I immediately saw a fox shoot out of some brush, just 30 yards from the house ! The sneaky fox was only about 50 yards from the chickens !

All three gave chase, and the predator disappeared over the hill, along with all three dogs, yippin, and a'barkin !!! They pursued the fox over the hill and into the creek valley, across the creek, and halfway up the other side, before they abandoned the chase.

They all got treats, and heapin helpin of praise for their efforts, but Juju got a little extra for her diligence and attention.

Now, I'm gonna bust out the thermal imager, set up in the barn, and see if I can add a couple extra ventilation holes to Mr. fox, when he comes back for another visit !


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