Julie has Triplets! Born last Night

They're adorable!

Me wishes she had a farm....

They are beautiful! Congratulations!!

So I guess still no kids from Daisy and Crystal?

I had just got on here and read your email that she had kidded so I had to hurry and pop in here to see if you had posted pictures.

They are just too Cute!

None from Daisy or Crystal yet. They look miserable...adn I am miserable from watching them on goat cam. They have to pop soon....or it will be immaculate conception
Oh my, I think I have just had a cuteness overload! They are adorable, and like everyone else, I WANT GOATS!! Congratulations to you and Julie!
Yeah You!
Nothing cuter than goat babies.

I should have our second set with in the week! Due date is the Feb.24 th. I know this is a good due date because I saw the "event" with my own eyes.

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