July Hatch-a-Long

The fourth is almost hatched but the third one seems stuck. It has zipped about 3/4 around (maybe more) but isn’t breaking the membrane and keeps trying to kick but can’t make it out. Do I need to help? It’s been over 26 hours since the first pip
I am new to hatching so don't take my word alone but I think it depends on weather the chick has absorbed all it's blood back in and it's yolk. Are there any tears in the membrane so it can breath? If so I wouldn't worry about it taking it's time. If the chick can't breath however you can candle to see it it's safe to make a tiny tear near it's beak. This is what I would do anyway. Due to some of the disturbances in my hatch I had one who hatched too early and it was bleeding from it's tummy for a while. I did an emergency dry off and put flour on it's belly to help it clot and it's now resting in the insulated nest I made inside the main brooder box. I guess what I am saying is sometimes the chick takes longer to absorb the yolk and have it's tummy seal up so I wouldn't worry as long as it can breath.
I am new to hatching so don't take my word alone but I think it depends on weather the chick has absorbed all it's blood back in and it's yolk. Are there any tears in the membrane so it can breath? If so I wouldn't worry about it taking it's time. If the chick can't breath however you can candle to see it it's safe to make a tiny tear near it's beak. This is what I would do anyway. Due to some of the disturbances in my hatch I had one who hatched too early and it was bleeding from it's tummy for a while. I did an emergency dry off and put flour on it's belly to help it clot and it's now resting in the insulated nest I made inside the main brooder box. I guess what I am saying is sometimes the chick takes longer to absorb the yolk and have it's tummy seal up so I wouldn't worry as long as it can breath.
I couldn’t really see any tears in the membrane. I peeled just a bit of the shell and the membrane at the top where it already had broken off some shell and then put it back in. It’s kicking a bit better now. If nothing progresses in the next 30 minutes or so I’ll peel it just a bit more. It pipped over 26 hours ago and I just pulled back a little so I think it was a good choice. My other ones are doing great!
So I peeled off just a bit more and the little cutie popped out about a minute later! I’m glad I followed my instinct on that one. Everything was absorbed and all looks good! All four are here and drying off in the bator! I’m beyond thrilled!
View attachment 1467827 So I peeled off just a bit more and the little cutie popped out about a minute later! I’m glad I followed my instinct on that one. Everything was absorbed and all looks good! All four are here and drying off in the bator! I’m beyond thrilled!
oh I am so glad! It can be so hard to know weather to help or not. I am glad you followed your instincts too. Due to the hatch complications for me I found myself kind of in the same boat and I am glad that I also followed my gut. I don't really think it is too much to just open up a tiny air hole to help a chick get it's strength back so it can hatch naturally. When you think about a hen sitting on and moving around on a nest you realize that she is giving her chicks some extra help by helping to crack the egg. It's hard in an incubator to try to simulate momma hen. While I agree with the people who say that helping should not be the norm I think that applies more to "helping" them get out of the egg itself. I can't really see a downside to giving a struggling chick some air. They still have to do all the work you're just letting them catch their breath. In the end I am finding there is no "right" or "wrong" way to hatch eggs. Just do your research and make the best choices you can! Here are the 5 that have hatched so far getting into the nest I made for them!
oh I am so glad! It can be so hard to know weather to help or not. I am glad you followed your instincts too. Due to the hatch complications for me I found myself kind of in the same boat and I am glad that I also followed my gut. I don't really think it is too much to just open up a tiny air hole to help a chick get it's strength back so it can hatch naturally. When you think about a hen sitting on and moving around on a nest you realize that she is giving her chicks some extra help by helping to crack the egg. It's hard in an incubator to try to simulate momma hen. While I agree with the people who say that helping should not be the norm I think that applies more to "helping" them get out of the egg itself. I can't really see a downside to giving a struggling chick some air. They still have to do all the work you're just letting them catch their breath. In the end I am finding there is no "right" or "wrong" way to hatch eggs. Just do your research and make the best choices you can! Here are the 5 that have hatched so far getting into the nest I made for them!
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Yours are so cute!
And that’s how I feel too. I didn’t take it out of the shell, just chipped enough away that it could get itself out. I feel like if I waited longer it would’ve gotten too tired. It was strange too because my humidity was high but the chick came out halfway dry and the membrane had started turned brown. It was just meant to be out!
Congratulations to both of you on successful hatches!

Still impatiently waiting here. Day 19.5 now. The egg I thought had internally pipped last night isn’t quite there yet, but I am officially in full lockdown now. 5 out of 7 remaining eggs look fully developed; I couldn’t really see movement this morning but did last night. Now I sit and wait...

Congratulations both on your chicks, they're just adorable!!

I've gone into lockdown on one of my incubators today, only 3 eggs, but all were moving when I candled yesterday. I really hope to get some chicks, my lone wyandotte chick really needs some company, the week olds are horrid to it, so it's all by itself at the moment.

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