July Hatch-a-long


SO CUTE!!!!!
i am allso comming in late mine are due 4 of august i will join your agust hatch along :D i have got 3 black buff orpingtons 2 pekin 2 polish i bougth them ones and i have 2 of my own 1 silkie and 1 ligth sussex cross with a silkie father is silkie mother is ligth sussex :DDD AHH cant wait

Ooooo - I've got some due on August 1st. Wasn't sure if we could continue this here or if we're supposed to be in an August thread. I big puffy sparkly heart love all of my July hatching buddies though!
Such adorable babies this morning!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!

I'm Day 20 over here (although I did set the eggs in the evening, so I don't think I'm freaking out....yet). No pips, peeps, dancing, prancing. Big fat NOTHING. I've got 24 eggs in there. Something HAS to hatch, right? (Please say yes...)
And y'all need some pictures ...

That's Ava (hoping it's a SHE!!!), born 7/4. She was a shrink-wrapped, assisted hatch.

You can still see some shell attached, didn't want to rush her. We both stopped here for a rest (and one of us needed a nerve pill).

All the way out and fluffed up :)

Someone's spoiled already. And so is the chicken ;)

And she gives kisses. (Love those 5 toed silkies!!!)

ok, I'll spare y'all anymore cuteness ... unless you want to meet Sam, the chick-sitting Chihuahua.
In that case...
Your curious pup reminds me of my kitten. I kept finding him in the box with the baby chicks (just hangin' with them, laying in the box watching them and sleeping with them). I now have a window screen over the box but he keeps trying to get in when I add food or clean waterers.

So many cute chicks!! Congrats to all the new hatches

Brooster but where does the color come from and why has it change what color are they now
Dolfi, the base color of a chicken's egg shell is either white or blue, depending on the breed. And then many breeds coat the egg with a brown tint, some darker, some lighter. The Ameraucanas lay bright blue eggs. The Easter Eggers are a mix of blue egg layers with other breeds, so they lay a blue egg with a brown tint on top, which usually makes some shade of green. The color of the egg depends on how dark parent's egg was. So if you pair a blue-egg-laying Ameraucana with a dark brown egg layer, like a Marans, you get a dark green egg. EEs can lay eggs that are just about any color. There was someone in one of the spring hatchalongs hatching purple EE eggs! They were so cool. My eggs are brightly colored in winter when the chickens first start laying, but by midsummer, they aren't producing as much pigment, so the eggs aren't as brightly colored. They're more pastel.

I did a day 10 candle last night. It looks like 6 of the 7 eggs are progressing nicely. I think the double yolk egg may have stopped developing, but I can't say for certain. The egg is so big, that it's hard to see the tiny chicks inside.

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