July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

Will there be one of these swaps for Aug? I would love to participate.
:( I candled my eggs looks like none of them are developing.
:( I'm gonna give them another week. Then check one more time. Stupid post office. I even gave the best looking ones to my broody silkies since if anyone can hatch the post offices mess its them. They manged to hatch 4 destroyed welsh harlequin eggs this spring that looked more scrambled than these but aparently these eggs just couldn't handle it.
Got two packages today.. One from winklerfarms, beautiful brown eggs,hoping they are from your barred rock (my favorite) . and a second box with lots of extras all I can tell from the address is they came cross country,arrived in good shape, none broken, small dent in corner of box.....checked a couple from each box and they appear to have good air cells.........Nice packing job to both!!!

I think they both came from this swap ???I lose track sometimes, eggs just show up unexpectedly, so if I ever owe anybody eggs just remind me..(memory is the first thing to go)

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