July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

Only 4!!

Yep, but at least 4 are growing. Only thing I can think they might be are sebrights or Serama. I know they aren't silkies cause of what you said on another thread. Lol..... Let the elimination process begin.
I have a question for all you breeders out there. I don't wish to take over the thread so you can PM me if you wish. I'm looking for a feed I can feed to all of my birds. Meaning, all ages. Tired of having several different kinds because of different ages. Can game bird feed be used or is it too high in protein???

And I have candled or at least tried too. My eggs are just too dark. Will have to wait until lockdown to determine what is good or not.
I serve 2 kinds of feed. A game bird feed that is high protein, and a lower protein layer pellet. I let them mix and match at will, but my birds also free range on the lawn and eat a lot of grass leaves, etc.
We used to have ducks and they needed the higher protein. Now I use it for the quail, too. ( i DO feed the babies medicated, however because I don't vaccinate and I'm tired of poopy butt.)
I feed 1 feed in 2 textures.
Layer mash & Layer pellets. Chickens, ducks, geese, quail, pheasants all get the same.
I feed my Peacocks , game bird maintenance. And the pigeons get pigeon food and they love scratch grains.
I serve 2 kinds of feed. A game bird feed that is high protein, and a lower protein layer pellet.  I let them mix and match at will, but my birds also free range on the lawn and eat a lot of grass leaves, etc.
We used to have ducks and  they needed the higher protein. Now I  use it for the quail, too.  ( i DO feed the babies medicated, however because I don't vaccinate and I'm tired of poopy butt.)

If you dig up a piece of grass dirt and all and put it in with the chicks you will have less poopy butt. I think Renee from the NYD hatch along posted that. I tried it and it sees to help.
I buy Medicated chick feed for the chicks and mix thistle seed, Wheat Bran, Split Peas, Oats etc.... in it. Then I buy Layer mesh for the big birds and my game fowl eats that also. But I also mix in Bird seed, Thistle seed, Wheat bran, Oats, Split Peas, Sunflower seeds etc.... Whatever I can find at the farmers market. Pretty much I make my own feed. I find it keeps them a lot healthier and they can pick out what they want or don't want. I also pick grass for them and throw it in there pens a couple times a week or they get left over veggies. Plus they have there runs that has grass in it. But all of my ducks, & Guineas Free range so they also get whatever nutrients they need that way.
Just a reminder, tomorrow is the last day to ship eggs. If you haven't shipped, please PM me with how things are coming.
Will there be one of these swaps for Aug? I would love to participate. :fl

There sure will be as soon as I am notified that all of July's eggs have been sent or the individuals that haven't received eggs give me the go ahead to start the next swap (that they have faith that their partner will follow through).
I have a question for all you breeders out there. I don't wish to take over the thread so you can PM me if you wish. I'm looking for a feed I can feed to all of my birds. Meaning, all ages. Tired of having several different kinds because of different ages. Can game bird feed be used or is it too high in protein???

And I have candled or at least tried too. My eggs are just too dark. Will have to wait until lockdown to determine what is good or not.
Flock Raiser & Oyster Shell work well, then I add scratch in. I have chickens, ducks, quail, turkeys, peafowl...etc. all in a mixed age flock. Never feed anything medicated due to the ducks. I tend to add in some layer mash as well on occasion.

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