July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

I have a question for all you breeders out there. I don't wish to take over the thread so you can PM me if you wish. I'm looking for a feed I can feed to all of my birds. Meaning, all ages. Tired of having several different kinds because of different ages. Can game bird feed be used or is it too high in protein???

And I have candled or at least tried too. My eggs are just too dark. Will have to wait until lockdown to determine what is good or not.
Purina Flockraiser is a good feed for a mixed flock. I have ducks, turkeys, quail, and chickens of all ages, and I feed them all the same. It keeps it simple.......
Got my last set of eggs today from Crazypetlady. Thanks for the great packing and 12 eggs. Thanks for the gifts also.
The kids are fighting over them right now.
Did a lil candling and just wanted to update my swap partners.

Zookeeper: all 6 lovely eggs developing

MrsMoonCat: 2 (4D's), 3 (A1's), and 3(3C's) developing

Crazypetlady: 7 d'Uccle developing

Mystery swapper: 1 Rita, 1 Marble, 1 Lily, and my 3 Rita's are too dark to see anything yet

So I put the eggs from the June swap into lockdown today. Got my fingers crossed some hatch. Would love to have these guys. Installed the new incubator and got the eggs moved over to the new one. Need to get the old one ready for it's new owner. Wish I could candle my eggs from this month's swap but they are too darn dark. Will have to be patient. :)
So I put the eggs from the June swap into lockdown today. Got my fingers crossed some hatch. Would love to have these guys. Installed the new incubator and got the eggs moved over to the new one. Need to get the old one ready for it's new owner. Wish I could candle my eggs from this month's swap but they are too darn dark. Will have to be patient. :)
Marans eggs will usually pass chick/no chick after 10 days or so ( I assume other dark eggs will too) You can often see the air cell, and if it ends abruptly in dark, its likely to be chick. if it peaters out, its no chick. I wouldn't rely on that to throw away eggs if you are new to those eggs, but ti can give you an idea of whast going on.
Candled my swap eggs today and it was sad as I expected. All the bantam eggs I got in one shipment were too badly scrambled. Only three started and they all had blood rings today. My other swap (Tina :D) Three of the big white eggs are doing great and 3 of the medium browns are going good. None of the dark ones made it :(. I wonder who those banty eggs were from and what they were..lout then again maybe I don't want to know, it will probably make it harder knowing that I had to throw them all in the trash!
I candled- 5 from Oregon are doing well, one is too dark to tell. All airsacs are iffy, so we'll just have to wait and see...

My Georgia eggs were all so scrambled that I'll never know what they were :(

Hope everyone else has had good progress!

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